
恒星英语学习网 2017年03月13日

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      由于记笔记填空的材料总体来说结构清晰,因而常出现表示层次或顺序的词、词组、句子来帮助理解文章。这类表达有:first of all, …/the second point, …/thirdly,…/Now, let’s take a look at the first point,…等等。听音时,应对这些表达之后的信息予以注意和记录。


      记笔记填空结构层次比较清晰,因此在开始叙述和完成叙述时,通常会出现总结性或总括性的词句。历年考题中经常出现的表示总结的结构有:to sum up, in summary, to summarize, in a word, generally speaking, finally, in general, in the end, to conclude, in conclusion, in brief, in closing, it can be concluded that…, to draw the conclusion, above all, on the whole, in short等。


      文章通常不会对关键或主要的概念和观点只提一次,而会重复或多次强调说明,以突出重点信息,让听者能理解要点,从而正确理解整个讲座的内容。因此其后的内容都是记笔记的重点。用来表示强调、重申的结构或表达有:what is the most important is, indeed, really, absolutely, of course, in other words, to put it another way, that is, in similar terms等。

      [录音] If someone sticks to one topic, you can assume that he or she is really interested in it.

      [参考笔记] stick to, topic, U, assume, he/she, interested

      [题目] don’t shift from subject to subject

      -----sticking to the same subject: signs of ____ in conversation

      [答案] interest



      常见的表示逻辑关系的结构有:what’s more, but, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, not only…but also…, therefore, so, as a result, consequently, hence, on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, besides, as well, in addition, furthermore等。


      常见的表达观点的结构有:believe, maintain, consider, in my point of view, in my opinion, as I see it, in the eyes of…, as for me, as far as I’m concerned, according to等。记笔记时应注意倾听这些观点结构之后的信息内容并做好笔记。


      真题中曾出现过的表示举例的结构有:for example, for instance, such as, like, that is, namely, to illustrate, as an illustration等。此类题型较为容易,一般会举出三个例子,只要答出一个即可。具体请在做练习的过程中体会。






      1. 数学符号:如用<表示less than,用>表示more than,用+表示many, good等意思,用-表示little, few, be short of等,用=表示in other words或be equal to,用×表示not, negative, wrong,用∵表示because,用∴表示therefore等。

      2. 箭头符号:用↑表示increase, add, higher,用↓表示decrease, reduce, lower,用↗表示develop,用→表示lead to, result in,用←表示resulted from, caused by等。

      3. 英语符号和所写:用&表示and,用w/表示with,用w/o表示without,用vs 表示against,用e.g.表示example,用dept表示department,用pres表示presentation,用subj表示subject,用max表示maximum,用intro表示introduction,用prob表示problems等。





      [录音] However, needs at one level do not have to be completely satisfied before needs at the next higher level come into play.

      [笔记] needs, level, ×satisfied, before, needs higher

      [题目] Difficult levels of needs may ____ when they come into play.

      [参考答案] overlap/meet/mix/co-exist/interact/concur/combine






      [录音] Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for answers.

      [笔记] 没有记下来…

      [题目] 2. Skill to __(要填)__ for answers.

      ⑴ don’t shift from subject to subject

      -----sticking to the same subject: signs of ___ in conversation.

      ⑵ listen to ____ of voice

      -----If people sound unenthusiastic, then change subject.

      ⑶ use eyes and ears

      ----steady your gaze while listening.

      [解析] 根据考题可知,空格处要填入的信息和1. skill to ask questions, 3. skill to laugh, 4.skill to part的结构并列,因此确定要填入的词是能和for搭配的动词。依据2. Skill to ____ for answers下的具体信息,听者可以发现这些关键词:conversation, listen, voice, listening等都和听有关,故推测空格处应填入的词为listen。

      [录音] In history books, information is objective.

      [笔记] 没有记下来…

      [题目] 2. Type of information

      A. Information in history book is ____.

      B. Information in art history is subjective.

      [解析] 根据空格前后的语法结构可知要填的是形容词,在此作表语。此处比较general history和art history的不同,由下文的subjective可知,要填的形容词应该和subjective意思相对,即使笔记没有记录,也可以判断要填的词很可能就是objective。

      [答案] objective



      [录音] It’s a way of sharing my thoughts with other people.

      [笔记] way, sharing, thoughts, other people

      [题目] Public speaking is a way for a speaker to ____ his thoughts with the audience.

      [答案] share

