
恒星英语学习网 2018年01月27日

      The Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布:

      Famous falls in North America, 1240 meters wide, the drop averages 49 meters.


      Yellow stone National Park黄石国家公园:

      Located in the northern part of Wyoming. It is the oldest national park in the world and the largest wildlife preserve in the U.S.A.


      Grand Canyon大峡谷:

      In northern Arizona, one of the great natural wonders of the world. It measures about 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and more than a mile deep. Its walls show layers that tell the story of the formation of the earth.


      Old Faithful老忠实喷泉:

      The most famous gayer in Yellowstone National Park, erupting more than l00 feet in the air about every 73 minutes.



      An area in a city where many Chinese people live and where are Chinese shops, restaurants, clubs; two, important China towns: New York City and San Francisco.


      Indian Reservation印第安保留地:

      It refers to the barren desert regions where only Indians live exclusively.


      New England新英格兰:

      It consists of six states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. This region is featured with mountains, valleys, rivers.


      The Mountain States山地诸州:

      Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.


      The Pacific Coast States太平洋沿岸诸州:

      Washington, Oregon and California.


      Mount McKinley 麦金利山:

      6187 meters high, on the middle of the Alaska, the highest peak on this continent.


      Pearl Harbor 珍珠港:

      The base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A. near the city of Honolulu in Hawaii.

