学个词 Learn A Word 3629 decry

恒星英语学习网 2020年07月27日

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      学个词--decry 今天我们要学的词是 decry. Decry is spelled D-E-C-R-Y, decry.
      decry 的意思是大声反对,谴责。 Police in Hong Kong had banned the annual candlelight gathering for the first time in three decades, citing public health concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic. The United States and the European Union had decried the ban. 香港警方称出于对新冠病毒大流行带来的公共卫生隐患而在30年来首次禁止了年度烛光守夜活动。美国和欧盟对这一禁令提出谴责。
      The Washington professional football team announced a "thorough review" of its use of the name "Redskins" and said it is retiring the name long decried by Native Americans as a racial slur. 华盛顿职业橄榄球队宣布对使用“红人”作为队名进行了“彻底审查”,并表示将不再使用这个长期以来被美洲原住民指责为种族歧视的名字。
      好的,我们今天学习的词是 decry, decry, decry ...
