
恒星英语学习网 2008年08月04日

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      功率损耗 power loss
      功率因子 power factor
      供电系统阻抗 supply system impedance
      共道抑制 co-channel suppression
      共道信令 co-channel signalling
      共模电压,不平衡电压 common mode voltage, asymmetrical voltage
      共模电流 common mode current
      共模转换 common code conversion
      共模干扰 common code interference
      共模抑制比 common code rejection ratio (CMRR)
      共模增益 common mode gain
      共模阻抗 common code impedance
      共信道再用距离 co-channel re-use distance
      贡献路线 contribution link
      固定电台 fixed station
      固定基地电台 fixed base station
      固定信道指配 fixed channel assignment
      固态发射机 solidstate transmitter
      固有可靠性 inherent reliability
      固有频差 inherent frequency error
      故障 fault
      故障安全 fault safe
      故障保护 fault protection
      故障弱化 failsoft
      故障修复 fault correcting
      故障原因 fault cause
      故障准则 fault criteria
      挂机信号 hang-up signal
      管理中心 administration center (ADC)
      广播控制信道(BCCH)划分 BCCH allocation (BA)
      广播寻呼系统 broadcast paging system
      广域网 wide area network (WAN)
      归零码 return to zero code (RZ)
      归一化的偏置 normalized offset
      规程 protocol
      规范 specification
      规则脉冲激励编码 regular-pulse excitation (RPE)
      规则脉冲激励长时预测编码 regular-pulse excitation LPC (RPE-LPC)
      轨道 orbit
      国际标准 international standard
      国际单位制 international system of units
      国际电报电话咨询委员会 CCITT
      国际电工委员会 IEC
      国际电信联盟 ITU
      国际互连网 Internet
      国际民航组织 ICAO , international civil aviation organization
      国际通信卫星组织 INTERAT
      国际海事卫星组织 INMAR-SAT
      国际无线电干扰特别委员会 CISPR
      国际无线电干扰委员会 CCIR
      国际移动识别码 international mobile station equipment identity (IMEI)
      国际移动用户识别码 international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)
      国际原子时间 international automatic time (TAI)
      国家标准 national standard
      国家信息基础结构 national information infrastructure (NII)
      过充电 overcharge
      过滤带 transition band
      过放电 overdischarge
      过荷保护电路 overload protecting circuit
      过荷分级控制 overload control category
      过荷控制 overload control
      过调制 overmodulation
      过流保护 overcurrent protection
      过压保护 overvoltage protection
      海岸地球站 coast earth station
      海岸电台 coast station
      海事卫星通信 maritime satellite communications
      汉明距离 Hamming distance
      汉明码 Hamming code
      汉明重量 Hamming weight
      航空地球站 aeronautical earth station
      航空电台 aeronautical station
      航空器地球站 aircraft earth station
      航空器电台 aircraft station
      航空移动业务 aeronautical mobile service
      航天器(宇宙飞船) spacecraft
      毫米波 millimeter wave
      黑格巴哥码 Hagelbarger code
      恒比码 constant ratio code
      恒步的 homochronous
      恒流电源 constant current power supply
      恒温恒湿试验 constant temperature and humid test
      恒压充电 constant voltage charge
      恒压电源 constant voltage power supply
      恒电磁波小室 transverse electromagnetic wave cell (TEM cell)
      喉式传声器 throat microphone
      后瓣 back hole
      厚模电路 thick-film circuit
      呼叫 call
      呼叫支持 call hold (HOLD)
      呼叫存储 call store
      呼叫等待 call waiting (CW)
      呼叫改发 call redirection
      呼叫建立 call establishment
      呼叫建立时间 call set-up time
      呼叫接通率 percept of call completed
      呼叫控制信号 call control signal
      呼叫清除延时 call clearing delay
      呼叫释放 call release
      呼叫序列 calling sequence
