
恒星英语学习网 2009年12月15日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  



      这个词起先用在rap music绕舌音乐中。演唱的人以快速强烈的节奏说唱词。近年来青少年中风行绕舌音乐,于是他们就在日常交谈中借用了dis这个词。

      例如:I was supposed to meet these guys in front of MacDonald's at noon, but nobody showed up. What happened I don't know but may be they dissed me by going some place else without telling me.


      Dis的反义词。Props意思是尊重,它是proper respect 的简略形式。青少年常用props这个词来恭维某人或者某人的作为,要注意的是刚才学的dis通常当动词,而props却是名词。

      例如:I really have to give you a lot of props. No one could have done a better job with this assignment. Our professor has to be more than impressed. You'll get an A for sure I think.


      句中的give you a lot of props 意思是非常佩服你。
      又如:I sure want to give you props for speaking up at the meeting. A lot of people felt the same way, but were too scared to say anything. You were the only one brave enough to speak you mind.


      句中的give you props意思是敬佩你,说话的人对他朋友的仗义执言表示敬佩。



      我们来看看一个小伙子在描述电视转播的篮球赛时怎么应用sweet 这个词:

      That game was terrific! I love watching Chicago and New York play against one another because they play so hard. For the final play, the crowd went crazy because the last shot was so sweet.




      例如:We got a good spot near the front and had the sweetest view of the fireworks. We were able to see all the different shapes, sizes and colors. It was fantastic, just fantastic!





      That joke Karen told me was so lame. I couldn't believe it. She tried to be funny, but the punch line didn't make any body laugh. I think her sense of humor is really weird.



      例如:The Introduction to Economics class is so lame! The professor puts us all to sleep with his boring lectures. He doesn't teach anything practical or interesting. I want to switch classes.

