
恒星英语学习网 2007年07月30日

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      add,v,加,加上,(add A to B ),v,增加(+to)

      误,The bad weather added our dificulties.
      正,The bad weather added to our dificulties


      in addition to,另加,除...之外(还)

      In addition to recorders ,they buy a TV set

      add,加,addition加法, subtract,减,subtraction,减法




      in advance,提前,预先,Thank you in advance先行致谢.





      2,venture,v,n,冒险,拼,闯,nothing venture,nothing gain,不入虎穴,焉得虎子.

      V,敢于,大胆表示,I venture to say=I dare to say

      (1),The children set out in search of :venture(误)


      a business :adventure(误)

      For example:He is a man full of adventure.

      For example:
      They were the astronauts on the first venture to the moon.
      1. 使冒险;冒...之险;拿...冒险
      They ventured their lives in exploring the desert.
      2. 以...作赌注[(+on)]
      He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks.
      3. 大胆提出(或说出);敢于[+to-v][+that]
      I venture that you are wrong.
      No one ventured to speak to him.
      1. 冒险;大胆行事[(+on)]
      He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking.
      The children ventured out on the thin ice and fell through.
