
恒星英语学习网 2007年07月30日

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      v. 拿,拿走;取,抓;占领;获得;接受;感受comp: seize(突然用力地抓住、握住), grasp(紧紧地抓住), grab(抢夺), snatch(突然快速地拿、取、夺、抢走)points: take hold of sth. /抓住某物take/catch cold/着凉take a holiday/休假take one’s temperature/测量体温take steps/采取步骤take away/拿走take down/记[录]下来take ...for .../以为(某人或某物)是……take off/取[脱]下;拆下;切除take out/取出take over/接收[管,任]talentedadj. 有才能的talkv. 谈话,讲;谈论,议论n. 谈话,会谈;讲演,讲话synonyms: discuss, speakpoints: talk over the telephone/在电话里谈话talk by gestures/用手势交谈talk business/谈生意经talk sb. into/劝说[说服]某人(做某事)talk with/与……交谈targetn. 目标;对象;靶子synonyms: aim, goalpoints: hit a target/达到定额[指标] miss the target/未射中靶子;未完成指标tastev. 品尝,辨味;有……味道;领略vt. 体验,感到n. 味道,味觉points: taste the joys of the happy life/体会幸福生活的欢乐 taste of/有……味道tear n. 破处,破缝;泪滴,眼泪;扯;vi. 流泪;撕破;被撕破vt. 扯,撕,撕破,折磨;使分裂;撕掉points: tears of joy/喜悦的眼泪move sb. to tears/使某人感动得流泪teasen. 揶揄,戏弄,逗惹vt. 取笑;逗恼;奚落,欺负,嘲弄,取笑points: tease a person with jokes/用俏皮话取笑某人technicaladj. 技术的,技术上的,技巧方面的points: technical expert/技术专家technical institute/工学院technical school/技术学校technologyn. 工艺,科技,技术points: science and technology/科学和技术telephonen. 电话,电话机v. 打电话points: speak to sb. over the telephone/和某人通电话by telephone/用电话
      call sb. on the telephone/给某人打电话tellvt. 告诉,说;知道vi. 讲述;泄密;告发;表明points: tell.. apart/分清…,区分…temperaturen. 温度points: have a temperature/发烧
      take sb.’s temperature/量(某人的)体温temporaryadj. 暂时的,临时的,临时性points: temporary punishment/有期徒刑temporary workers/临时工temporary employment/临时的工作temporary pleasure/一时的快乐tendvi. 趋向,往往是vt. 照管,护理termn. 学期, 期限, 期间, 条款, 条件, 术语points: in the long term/从长远的观点看in the short term/从眼前的观点看 in terms of/以……的观点;就……而说terribleadj. 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的;骇人的points: a terrible storm/可怕的风暴a terrible temper/极坏的脾气terrificadj. 令人恐怖的points: a terrific hurricane/可怕的飓风drive at a terrific speed/以极高的速度开车 than[用于形容词、副词比较级之后]比较;比e.g. He is taller than his brother. /他比他的兄弟长得高。e.g. Easier said than done. /[谚]说来容易做来难。[用于rather, sooner, 之后]与其……(宁愿……)e.g. I would rather die than disgrace myself. /我宁死不受辱。[用于 other, else, anywhere 等之后]除……以外e.g. He did nothing else than laugh. /他除了笑以外没做别的事。(他只是笑。)[用于scarcely, hardly之后表示时间](刚刚...)就e.g. Hardly had I finished telling the news than she began to cry. 我还没有把消息讲完她就哭了起来。thatadj. 那,那个pron. 那,那个conj. 引导从句points: at that time/那时supposing that/假使in that/由于,因为;既然now that/既然,由于theoryn. 理论,学说,……论,原理points: the theory of relativity/相对论[学说]apply theory to practice/理论联系实际in theory/在[从]理论上;按理论thereforeadv. 因此,所以thickadj. 厚的,粗的,稠的,浓的points: thick hair/浓密的头发thick soup/浓汤a thick forest/丛林thinadj. 薄的;细的;瘦的;稀少的,稀疏的points: thin hair/稀疏的头发a thin audience/寥寥可数的观众a thin argument/难以使人信服的论据thirstyadj. 口渴的;(常与for, after连用)渴望的,热望的 thoroughadj. 十分的,彻底的synonyms: complete, fullpoints: thorough repair/大修thoughtn. 思考,想法;思想,思潮points: modern scientific thought/近代科学思潮in thought/左思右想,在沉思threatn. 恐吓;凶兆;威胁threatenvt. 恐吓,威胁;预示(危险)points: threaten him with death/用死威胁他threaten to do sth/威胁要做某事throughprep. 穿过,通过;从开始到结束adv. 从头到尾,自始至终;直达地,彻底 points: travel through the country/游遍全国thusadv. 因而,从而,这样,如此synonyms: accordingly, consequently, hencetidyadj. 整齐的;整洁的vt. 弄整齐,收拾,整理points: a tidy person/整洁的人tidy the room/整理房间tidy up after dinner/饭后收拾餐具tien. 带子, 线, 鞋带, 领带, 平局vt. 系, 打结, 扎, 约束, 与……成平局synonyms: bind, fastenpoints: a blood tie/血缘关系marital ties/婚姻联系end in a tie/以票数相同结束tightadj. 紧的,紧密的;不漏水的;时间紧的timen. 时间,时侯,时机;次数;时期points: time and space/时间和空间hard times/艰苦时代for the first time/第一次a good time/愉快的时间all the time/一直;始终at a time/一次at no time/在任何时候都不at the same time/同时tinyadj. 很少的,微小的points: a tiny minority/极少数tiredadj. 疲劳的,累的,疲倦的comp: exhausted(筋疲力尽的)points: be tired out/累得要死,累极了feel tired/觉得疲倦toprep. 向,往,给……,直到……为止,在……之前,比,对,[表示程度、范围] 到,达points: from north to south/从北到南go to school/上学ten minutes to nine/9点差10分be tired to death/累得要死face to face/面对面equal to.../等于……to one’s surprise/使某人吃惊be open to public/向公众开放a private secretary to the minister/部长的私人秘书talk to oneself/自言自语tolerantadj. 容忍的,宽恕的points: tolerant of ../能够忍受……的tonguen. 舌头语言, 说话方式, 口语synonyms: language, speech, talktogetheradv. 共同, 一起, 合起来synonyms: collectively, jointlye.g. I stuck the two pieces of paper together. /我把这两张纸粘在一块儿topn. 顶部,顶端,极点adj. 最高的,顶上的,头等的vt. 盖,超越,胜过points: (be) topped with cream /在上面加了一层奶油topicn. 话题,主题totaln. 总数,合计adj. 总的,全部的,整个的v. 合计,总数达,达到e.g. The students totaled 3, 000. /学生总数达到3000人。points: total output/总产量a total failure/彻底的失败totallyadv. 完全地,整全地touchn. 触,触觉;接触,联系;轻触vt. 接触,触摸,涉及;使接触;感动points: in touch(常与with连用)有联系;lose touch(常与with连用)失去联系; out of touch(常与with连用)无联系;toughadj. 强硬的;艰苦的;坚强的,坚韧的points: a tough job/棘手的工作have a tough time of it/日子不好过tourn. 旅行,游历,旅游v. 旅行,游历,巡回,漫游synonyms: journeypoints: a foreign tour/国外旅行a tour of inspection/视察旅行package tour/由旅行社代办全部事宜的观光旅游traden. 贸易,商业,交易,生意vi. 交易,买卖,经商;对换points: foreign trade/对外贸易trade union/工会fair trade/公平贸易trade in/做……生意,经营trade sth. for/用某物换(某物)traditionaladj. 传统的,惯例的trafficn. 交通,交通量points: traffic jam/交通拥塞heavy traffic/交通量大trainn. 火车,列车,行列vt. 训练,培养points: miss[catch] one’s train/误了[赶上]火车a train of events/一连串的事件train children to good habits/培养儿童养成良好习惯transfern. 迁移,移动,传递,转移;调任vt. 转移,调转,调任,传递,转让vi. 转移;转学;换车points: be transferred to another post/被调职transportn. 传送器,运输vt. 传送,运输treasuren. 财宝,财富,珍品,财产vt. 珍爱,珍惜;储藏;珍藏points: art treasures/艺术珍品treasure manpower and material resources/爱惜人力和物力treatn. 宴请,款待,请客vt. 视为,对待;论述;治疗;款待vi. 交涉,谈判,协商;款待points: treat sb. as a friend/把某人当作朋友treat a case of cancer/治疗一例癌症treat sb. to an ice-cream/请某人吃一杯冰淇淋Dutch treat/各人自己付钱的AA制tremendousadj. 极大的, 巨大的, 非常好的synonyms: enormous, giant, glorious, great, huge, immense, magnificent marvelous, vast e.g. a tremendous piano player /一位非常杰出的钢琴家treatmentn. 待遇,对待;处理;治疗points: heat treatment/热处理be under (medical) treatment/在治疗中trendn. 倾向,趋势vi. 伸向,倾向synonyms: tendencytripn. (短途)旅行;旅程points: a round trip/(乘船、飞机、火车等) [美]往返旅行troublen. 烦恼,麻烦,故障vt. (使)烦恼,麻烦,打扰,费神points: be troubled with a cough/为咳嗽所苦恼be in troubles with/和……闹纠纷get into trouble/招致不幸,陷入困境make trouble/闹事,捣乱trueadj. 真实的,真正的;忠实的,忠诚的points: true to life/逼真come true/(预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现trustvt. 信任,信赖;盼望n. 信任,信赖synonyms: believe, depend on, rely onpoints: trust in sb. /相信某人
      trust sb. with sth. /把某事托付给某人去办tryn. 尝试v. 试,试图,努力;试验synonyms: attempt, endeavorpoints: have a try/试试看,尝试一下try on/试穿(衣服);试试看turn n. 转动,旋转,转变方向;轮流v. (使)转动,翻转,扭转;(使)变质 comp: rotate, revolve, whirlpoints: turn a wheel/转动轮子turn a page/翻一页turn coins into paper money/把硬币换成纸币in turn/轮流地;挨个,依次;反过来take turns/依次,轮班;轮流turn around/转过去,转身turn away/转过脸去,背过脸去tutorn. 家庭教师, (大学的)教师,导师 vt. 当家庭教师;当……的导师synonyms: educate, guide, instruct, school, teach ,train e.g. He tutored me in English. /他教我英语
