日本乐团The Fin.

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  • 今天是我的生日04月01日,来祝福我吧~

#云音乐新歌首发# @Thefinband 全新单曲《Swans》正式上线云村>>O网页链接 厚重又不失柔和的鼓声打造出独特律动,流畅华美的萨克斯曲风行云流水;The Fin乐队时隔两年推出新单曲,用迷幻的音色融合美国灵魂乐与爵士乐的精髓,华丽唯美的曲调满溢着舒适的意趣,为听众带来绝佳的听觉体验。 ​​​​...展开全文c

⬇️Listen now⬇️

Music and Lyrics Written by: Yuto Uchino
Performed by:...展开全文c

Photo: Yukitaka Amemiya
Stylist: Shinya Bebe Watanabe
Hair & Makeup: Tanimoto
Wear: semoh
【Compilation】 We took part in a Chinese art project entitled “万物II:遥远的相似性” (Everything II: Distant Similarity)🍀 Our piece, “Constellation”, is the seventh song on the album. Enjoy it🌹 #the fin.#
万物自由,任由枝蔓生长,以创作为共通的语言,抵达远方不期而遇的浪漫。当音乐和艺术与万物相撞时,会发生怎样奇妙的反应?8组风格迥异的音乐人 X 8位跨越不同媒介/领域/国别的艺术家。
11月9日-12日,上海西岸穹顶艺术中 ​​​​...展开全文c
DAY 8 Recap🙌
Thank you so much, Jiao Jiao from @NewNoise for the amazing tour🫡
It’s the last night🤝
Let’s have a great one!!!🔥

#the fin.# LThefinband的微博视频 ​​​​
Shenzhen Day 1🔥
Finally we’ve come back here at B10🙌
Thank you so much for having us
It’s the last show of the tour tonight…🍻

#the fin.# ​​​​
DAY 7 Recap🙌
It was a great comeback🤝
See you next time🔥

#thefin# LThefinband的微博视频 ​​​​
Thank you so much, Xiamen🔥
We’re so happy that we’ve come back again!!
See you next time👋

#thefin# ​​​​
Thank you so much, Fuzhou!!🔥
You guys nailed it!
See you again👋

#thefin# ​​​​
DAY 5 Recap🏄‍♂️
See you again, Shenyang and see you tonight, Fuzhou🙌

#thefin# LThefinband的微博视频 ​​​​
Dalian🏄‍♂️ See you tonight👋
大连的朋友请注意!今晚八点,@Thefinband 在大连赫兹空间(佳兆业店)!
The fin.的音乐一直是跨越国界的音乐佳作,融合了电子、流行和实验音乐元素,创造出一个迷人的声音宇宙。他们的音乐不仅令人陶醉,更是一次音乐探险的机会。无论你是第一次欣赏还是忠实粉丝,The fin.的现场演出都将让你陷入音 ​​​​...展开全文c
Thank you so much, Shenyang🙌
The atmosphere here is very nostalgic!!
See you next time🏄‍♂️

#thefin# ​​​​
