
可可听力网 2015年06月01日 18:17:20

      June 1 is Children's Day, a day to honor children globally. One of the ways to bring our children happiness is by giving them books as gift. A good read could help encourage children to turn off the TV or ditch the computer games, and experience fantastic adventures. Below is a small selection of children's books that are perfect for reading on this occasion.The author of The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, once said, "I want to dedicate this book to the child whom this grown-up once was. All grown-ups were children first. (But few of them remember it.)” Thus the recommended books could also be presents for those who are young at heart .




      Charlotte'sWebisaclassicofchildren'sliteraturebyAmericanauthorE. B. White, publishedin 1952. Thenoveltellsatenderstoryoffriendship, love, lifeanddeath. ApignamedWilburhasbuiltafriendshipwithabarnspidernamedCharlotte. WhenWilburisindangerofbeingslaughteredbythefarmer, CharlottewritesmessagesinherwebpraisingWilburtopersuadethefarmertolethimlive.

      《夏洛特的网》是美国作家E. B.怀特的经典儿童文学著作,于1952年出版。这本小说讲述的是一个关于友情、爱、生命和死亡的故事。一只名叫威尔伯的小猪和一只名叫夏洛特的蜘蛛建立起了友谊。当威尔伯面临被农夫屠宰的命运时,夏洛特在她的网上写下讯息,鼓励威尔伯说服农夫让自己活下来。