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wrong answer

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美 [rɔŋ ˈænsɚ]
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    Wrong AnswerWrong answerWrong AnswerLegal Rights for Nature-the Wrong Answer to the Right(s) QuestionWrong Answer to the Wrong Question: Why We Need Critical Teacher Education, Not Standardization.Municipal waste incineration: wrong question, wrong answerEuthanasia and nursing practice--right question, wrong answerWHEN THE WRONG ANSWER IS THE "GOOD"ANSWER: PROBLEM-SOLVING AS A MEANS FOR IDENTIFYING MATHEMATICAL PROMISEAlphas, betas and skewy distributions: two ways of getting the wrong answerThe New 'Fetal Protection': The Wrong Answer to the Crisis of Inadequate Health Care for Women and ChildrenFluoroscopy guided vascular access: Asking the right question, but getting the wrong answer?Fluoroscopy guided vascular access: asking the right question, but getting the wrong answer?Sustainability, environmental pragmatism and the triple bottom line: good question, wrong answer?