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过去式took 过去式taken 过去式taking 过去式takes 
派生词:takable taker 

1 . These files have been zipped up to takeup less disk space.



2 . You have to takecapital appreciation of the property into account.



3 . "TakeThat" are the best group in the whole world. So there.



4 . Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to taketime off.



5 . "I think I hear the telephone ringing."—"Okay, I can takea hint."




be on the take

1 . (非正式)受贿

be taken ill

2 . 突然生病

have what it takes

3 . (非正式)具备成功所需的基本条件

take a chair

4 . 坐下

take advantage of (或 take advice etc.)take something as read

5 . (英)认为…是理所当然的

take the biscuit (或 cake)

6 . (非正式)(人,事情)最出色的;最愚蠢的

take five

7 . (非正式,主北美)休息一下

take a lot of (或some)

8 . 难做

take someone in hand

9 . 控制某人;改造某人

take something in hand

10 . 开始处理某事

take ill (美

11 . (非正式)(尤指突然地)生病

take something ill

12 . (古)对某事极为不满

take it from me

13 . 我能向你保证

take it on one (或 oneself) to do something

14 . 没有寻求许可(或建议)就决定做某事

take it out of

15 . 使精疲力竭

take someone out of themselves

16 . 使人忘记烦恼

take that!

17 . (当击打某人或对人采取决定性行动时的感叹句)接招吧!

take one's time

18 . 不要急

take against

19 . (英)(没有明确的理由地)不喜欢(某人)

take something apart

20 . 拆卸

take something away

21 . (英)外卖,拿走

take someone back

22 . 使回忆过去的时光

take something back

23 . 收回所说的话

take something down

24 . 记录口述的话

take from

25 . 同 take away from

take someone in

26 . 接纳为房客;收留

take something in

27 . 在家里工作

take someone off

28 . (非正式,主英)幽默地模仿

take something off

29 . 脱衣服

take someone on

30 . 雇佣

take something on

31 . 担任重任

take someone out

32 . (桥牌)作不同于同伴叫牌的叫牌

take someone/thing out

33 . (非正式)杀死,毁灭,使致残

take something out

34 . 获得(官方文件,服务)

take something out on

35 . 向(不相关的人或物)发泄来减轻怒火

take something over

36 . 接管;控制

take someone up

37 . 作…的保护人

take something up

38 . 开始对…感兴趣,开始从事

take someone up on

39 . 就(某一点)挑战(或质问)说话者

take up with

40 . 开始与某人交往,开始与某人混在一起

take after

41 . 仿效:将…作为榜样跟随

take apart

42 . 拆开:分开后将…分成许多部分

take back

43 . 收回(所说的或所写的事)

take down

44 . 拿下,放下:将…从一个较高的位置拿到一个较低的位置

take for

45 . 把…视作

take in

46 . 让…进入,接纳,吸收:允许…进来;接受…为客人或雇员

take off

47 . 脱掉(衣服等)

take on

48 . 从事,开始对付

take out

49 . 取出;弄走

take over

50 . 接管:获得对…的控制或管理

take to

51 . 求救于;(如为了安全)前往

take up

52 . 举起;升起


on the take【非正式用语】

1 . 收受贿赂的:收受贿赂或非法收入的或试图收受贿赂或非法收入的

take a bath【非正式用语】

2 . 蒙受严重的财政损失

take account of

3 . 把…纳入考虑范围

take away from

4 . 减少,减弱

take care

5 . 小心

take care of

6 . 照料,赡养:承担对…的保养、赡养或治疗的责任

take charge

7 . 取得控制或指挥权

take effect

8 . 生效:成为有效力的,如在法律或规章的约束下

take exception

9 . 反对:通过争辩来表示反对;抵制

take five 或 take ten 【俚语】

10 . 小憩:进行很短的休息(如五分钟或十分钟的小憩)

take for granted

11 . 想当然:认为…是真实的、正确的或会要发生的;料想…是正确的

take heart

12 . 充满信心或勇气

take hold

13 . (如通过抓握来)夺取

take it

14 . 理解;臆断

take it on the chin【俚语】

15 . 遭受惩罚、折磨或失败

take it or leave it

16 . 要么要,要么不要:不附带任何条件地接受或拒绝

take it out on【非正式用语】

17 . 通过…惩罚来出气:在发泄自己的怒气时辱骂(某人)

take kindly to

18 . 接受

take lying down【非正式用语】

19 . 逆来顺受:不进行任何反抗地接受粗暴或严厉的对等

take notice of

20 . 注意到

take (one's) breath away

21 . 令人窒息:使…进入一种敬畏或震惊的状态

take (one's) time

22 . 慢慢地行动或不急不忙地行动

take place

23 . 发生;出现

take root

24 . 确定下来,固定下来

take shape

25 . 具有一个明确的形式

take sick

26 . 【多用于美国南部】生病

take sides

27 . 支持,站在…一边:和某一特定的派别、集团、事业或个人有联系或支持某一特定的派别、集团、事业或个人

take stock

28 . 开出一份存货清单

take stock in

29 . 信任、相信或认为…很重要

take the bench【法律】

30 . 当法官:担当法官的职位

take the cake

31 . 糟透了:成为最让人厌恶的或最让人失望的

take the count

32 . 被击败

take the fall 或 take the hit 【俚语】

33 . 招致批评:愿意或者不愿意地招致批评或指责

take the floor

34 . 站着发表演说:站起来发表一篇正式演说,比如对一个集会

take the heat【俚语】

35 . 招致并忍受众多的指责或批评

take to the cleaners【俚语】

36 . 抢劫,诱骗

take up for

37 . 支持某一方:在一场争论中支持(比如,一个人或集团)

take up the cudgels

38 . 加入争论:加入一场争论,尤指为了捍卫其中的一名参与者

take up with【非正式用语】

39 . 开始与…交往;结交

late Old English tacanget (especially by force), capture, from Old Norse takagrasp, lay hold of, of unknown ultimate origin

1.the income arising from land or other property;

the average return was about 5%

2.the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption


1.carry out;

take action

2.as of time or space;

It took three hours to get to work this morning

3.take somebody somewhere;

We lead him to our chief

4.get into one's hands, take physically;

Take a cookie!

5.take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect;

His voice took on a sad tone

6.interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression;

I read this address as a satire

7.take something or somebody with oneself somewhere;

Bring me the box from the other room

8.take into one's possession;

We are taking an orphan from Romania

9.require as useful, just, or proper;

It takes nerve to do what she did

10. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives;

Take any one of these cards

11. travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route;

He takes the bus to work

12. receive willingly something given or offered;

The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter

13. assume, as of positions or roles;

She took the job as director of development

14. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes;

Take the case of China

15. experience or feel or submit to;

Take a test

16. make a film or photograph of something;

take a scene

17. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, taking off, etc. or remove something abstract;

remove a threat

18. serve oneself to, or consume regularly;

Have another bowl of chicken soup!

19. accept or undergo, often unwillingly;

We took a pay cut

20. make use of or accept for some purpose;

take a risk

21. take by force;

Hitler took the Baltic Republics

22. occupy or take on;

He assumes the lotus position

23. admit into a group or community;

accept students for graduate study

24. ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial;

take a pulse

25. be a student of a certain subject;

She is reading for the bar exam

26. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs;

the accident claimed three lives

27. head into a specified direction;

The escaped convict took to the hills

28. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment;

Please don't aim at your little brother!

29. be seized or affected in a specified way;

take sick

30. have with oneself; have on one's person;

She always takes an umbrella

31. engage for service under a term of contract;

We took an apartment on a quiet street

32. receive or obtain by regular payment;

We take the Times every day

33. buy, select;

I'll take a pound of that sausage

34. to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort;

take shelter from the storm

35. have sex with; archaic use;

He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable

36. lay claim to; as of an idea;

She took credit for the whole idea

37. be designed to hold or take;

This surface will not take the dye

38. be capable of holding or containing;

This box won't take all the items

39. develop a habit;

He took to visiting bars

40. proceed along in a vehicle;

We drive the turnpike to work

41. obtain by winning;

Winner takes all

42. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness;

He got AIDS



2. 起跳






1 . 带

2122 take带- 基于70个网页

2 . 把

扭伤穴 Sprain Point把 take把 handful

3 . 采取

foreign banks takea key step toward growing in china ., 外国采取重要步骤以在中国发展.

4 . 拿

taint 污点take拿tale 故事

+take takes the goods

1 . 拿取物品

the guinea pigfront foot structure and the general rodentia are different , is nimblyunable nimbly to take takes the goods to deliver in the entrance , also is vertically unable vertically to climb up .前脚有四根脚趾,脚底无毛。天竺鼠的前脚构造和一般啮齿类不同,无法灵活的拿取物品送入口中,也无法垂直攀爬。

+take the ball take

1 . 出手夺球

take the ball take the last shoot , you can do anything you want .出手夺球,投出绝杀。你可以做任何事情。

+take takes 2

1 . 花2

a master's degree generally take takes 2 to 3 years of 4 times full time study .一个硕士学位通常花2到3年的全部工作日的学习。

+take -

1 . 取机构

this system is known as indirect fabric take - up .此机构被称为间接式卷取机构.

1.Bruno and Tony pulled the job off together,but Tony took the fall.


2.The debate was quiet for a time, then they took it to the street.


3.Come on, don't takeit to the street!


4.He takes a flier iI polilics.


5.KeIt was very reckless wheI he took a flyer oI that airliIe stock.


6.I don't believe you, but what the hell, I'll takea flyer.


7.When the show takes fire we'll all get rich.


