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效仿基督(Of The Imitation Of Christ)简介:

This classic has drawn thousands of readers down the ages, including Henry VIII's chancellor Thomas More, John Wesley, Irish patriot Daniel O'Connell and St Ignatius of Loyola, who reputedly would offer the book as a gift to acquaintances. Not surprisingly for such a timeless, readable and profound work, it still has many fans. The author, born in Germany and later a monk at Mount St Agnes, Zwolle, made a copy of the Bible as well as writing three other devotional works. He died in 1471. This book is remarkably contemporary in translation, losing none of its simplicity and profoundity. In a chapter on 'despising the world's honours', for example, 'God' advises: 'My son, don't feel down in the dumps when you see others being promoted ... raise your heart to me in heaven and the disdain the world shows you will no longer grieve you.' This edition, part of a series of resurrected spiritual classics and nicely presented in paperback, makes an ideal gift.

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