

      [xiǎng qǐ]





      remember; recall; thinkof; calltomind; crossone'smind; passthroughone'smind



      全部,remember,recall,think of,recollect,bring to mind,think up



      I began to thinkthat Penelope mightberight about the state of her young lady'saffections after all.




      He recalls Dury going "extremelyweird"afterhisfirstalbumandasa manager in his early 20s trying to deal with it.




      Ithink of that specialwineeach time the patientreturnstome for avisit at the office.




      Emanuel summoned amemory of beingkeptafterclass by anunfamiliaradult, who presentedhimwitha pair of flashcards.




      Deep place rememberedat me,there is a very small swing, be Iremind of it of time, an often the sunlightheart.




      His eyes hazed whenhethought of her.




      Thosefamiliar with the artist's workmayrecallhispaintings of the trains that pass along the railwayline at the bottom of that garden.




      yea! it'snice to see the POLICE doing their job against the people how employee them it remindsme of aregimethatjustFELL!




      Ithought of itjustasyou opened yourmouth.




      As the doorswungshut, Kostya'sthoughtsturned to his owngrandfather.

