

      [lā che]






      〈口〉drag; pull; draw


      takegreatpainstobringup (achild)


      help; support; assist; promote


      drawsb. overtoone'sside; colludewith; ropein


      implicate; involve; dragin


      chat; chitchat



      全部,pull,draw,stretch,pull at,Stretching



      WhenIwas a player you could not raise your hands topull a shirt or to stopanopponent from beating you fairly.




      Shethought about howdifficult it had been for herfather to raisesixchildrenall by himself.




      Loch seemednot to hearme as hewalkedforwards and stretched his handout for the next door, as if drawn by a magnetic force.




      They were crying and seemed to be trying to pull the heavymachine, as iftheycouldmakeitmovefaster toward their home.




      His thoughtswerechildrenwithoutapullbacktoreality,Isataroundthechild to the mother: Mom, take thiscarreallyuncomfortable.




      The positionof the Moonand itsresultantgravity pull has scantinfluenceon the matter.




      Thechildseems to have been dragged up,notbrought up.



      and the next thing you know,you're strung out on bedspreads , Ken.That'sserious.




      Youbuy a CD,takeithomeandjust as you pullitout of thecase, you drop it and it getsscratched and won't play.




      Hence, why hespenthalfthenightpullingthem up, in an attempttolook the part.

