

      [lí kāi]






      leave; departfrom; deviatefrom; departure; turnaway





      全部,leave,departure,depart from,away,quitExit



      Honestly,ifhesaid, 'Stay and wait for me tofinish, or it's over, 'I'd start packing early.




      Becareful that you place yourfocus on all that isof the Light,and do notallow your guard to drop.




      Clement:Letme see,weleft off with you saying something about "Don Quixote" suiting you, were wenot?




      Arsenal starlet Wojciech Szczesny has warned hecould be forcedtoleave the clubifhe does not get achancein the firstteam.




      GM alsoannounced that it hadsecureda$5billionrevolving credit line and that its chiefexecutive, Ed Whitacre, wouldsoondepart.




      The empress dowagersmellsspeechagaincry bitterly,just need toaccount a grandfather to stand,forbidhim to throwdownhe to leave.




      Well,atfirstIoftenfeela bitsadwhenIleave my mumanddadfora few days,andI 'm quiteshywhen I 'm with strangers.




      Hisenquiries,however, produced at length an accountof the sceneshehadbeenengagedinthere, soonafterhisleaving the place.




      I painfully regretnotsayinggoodbye.ButIknewif I sawthem the day I left, I wouldn't beable to get on the plane.




      IfIcanthinkof an objectin the context of an atomicfact,Icannot think of it apart from the possibility of thiscontext.

