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      I come from Jilin University of Electronic Science and Engineering




      I come from Jilin University of electronic science and Engineering College


      I am from Jilin University Electronic Science and Engineering


      I come from the Jilin University electronic science and the engineering college

      awe always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded 操练 [translate] 
      awhat is the most fashionable entertainment activity of people around you? 什么是人的最时兴的娱乐活动在您附近? [translate] 
      aZhoushan Jinan Chang yi Qingdao Dashanzi Shanghai Beijing Zhoushan Jinan Chang伊青岛Dashanzi上海北京 [translate] 
      a网络没有秘密 The network does not have the secret [translate] 
      awhen an ant says"ocean", he'stalking about a small pool 当蚂蚁认为"海洋", he'stalking关于一个小水池 [translate] 
      a项目副总工程师 Project vice-chief engineer [translate] 
      aa young man came up to the elephant and began to look at it slowly 一个年轻人过来对大象并且开始慢慢地看它 [translate] 
      aFor all booking that book on or after November 1st 2011, penalty will be charged if 对于所有售票预定或在2011年的11月1日以后,惩罚将收费,如果 [translate] 
      a跑步使我身体健壮。 Jogs causes my body to be vigorous and healthy. [translate] 
      a你今天下午不是又跟一个中国男孩视频吗??? Being translated, please wait ... [translate] 
      awhere something came from 那里某事来自 [translate] 
      athawed 解冻 [translate] 
      abradde chain bradde链子 [translate] 
      apackage_list.project中文什么意思 package_list.project Chinese any meaning [translate] 
      aHow pity he is! 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aSuch observations of zero counts are labeled structural zeros because they are impossible by definition (Agresti, 2002). 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a贫困地区 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aaddress the way 演讲方式 [translate] 
      aKiss you 亲吻您 [translate] 
      a步步惊心怎么翻译 一歩ずついかに驚かされるか翻訳する [translate] 
      aA reason for living,a deeper meaning 生活的一个原因,一个更加深刻的意思 [translate] 
      a也许那只是种感觉 Perhaps that is only a kind of feeling [translate] 
      aI'm going to write a letter sent to the Thai Exact company, 我写信被送到泰国确切的公司, [translate] 
      aactive or reactivate application 激活或恢复活动应用 [translate] 
      aplease do a summary of the salary increase survey of the companies you survey 请做公司的增加工资调查的总结您勘测 [translate] 
      ai sliip 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      athe new president assumes office at midnight tonight. 新的总统今晚假设办公室在午夜。 [translate] 
      a即使我们没有出过远门,由于电信的发展,让我们足不出户就能了解世界各地的新闻,让世界真正的融为一体。 Even if we have not left have gone far from home, as a result of the telecommunication development, lets us be confined at home can understand world each place the news, lets world true merging into one organic whole. [translate] 
      a我希望你明天下午来参加我的生日聚会 I hoped you tomorrow afternoon attend my birthday meeting [translate] 
      a我不想伤了和气,失去朋友,但又很不愿意借钱给她,因此,我很苦恼 I did not want to injury friendly, lost the friend, but very was not willing to lend money to her, therefore, I was very worried [translate] 
      asweet and sour chicken sweet and sour chicken [translate] 
      a挽回公司的损失 Recalls the company the loss [translate] 
      aThus, a petroleum system of Cretaceous to possibly Tertiary age must be considered for the Novaya Zemlya region. 因此,必须为Novaya Zemlya地区考虑石油系统白垩纪到可能三重年龄。 [translate] 
      a但是如果我们不按这个顺序的话,我们就什么也吃不到了 But if we according to this order, our any also could not eat [translate] 
      awhere 're your books? 在哪里‘关于您的书? [translate] 
      a100番透明PVC不干胶商标纸 100 transparent PVC does not do the rubber trademark paper [translate] 
      aglance 扫视 [translate] 
      aNeed-based aid remains by far the largest share of all students’ aid, which ______ state, federal and institutional grants. 基于需要的援助依然是显然所有学生最大的份额’援助, ______状态,联邦和协会津贴。 [translate] 
      acolour your name card 上色您的命名卡片 [translate] 
      a腌鱼腊肉 Salted fish cured meat [translate] 
      aWhy is Daniel a top student at school 为什么是丹尼尔每顶面学生在学校 [translate] 
      aperipherals 外围设备 [translate] 
      aClick words or characters to insert mark at the current cursor position 插入标记的点击词或字符在当前游标位置 [translate] 
      acooked rice 煮熟的米 [translate] 
      ahis classmate 他的同学 [translate] 
      a商品尺寸:包装尺寸:29*25.7*4.8cm Market size: Packing size: 29*25.7*4.8cm [translate] 
      a书记 Secretary [translate] 
      a今天是一个阳光明媚的星期六,是一个美丽的日子~ Today is a sunlight beautiful Saturday, is beautiful day ~ [translate] 
      ahow to continue 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      acurrently available 现在可以得到 [translate] 
      a遵守法律法规 尊重老人爱护孩子 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a你能告诉我的航班号吗? You can tell me the scheduled flight number? [translate] 
      a他知道你的名字吗? He knows your name? [translate] 
      a公司架构 Company construction [translate] 
      aIf you are signed in to Messenger in multiple places, you can choose where to sign out. 如果您在多个地方签到对信使,您在哪里能选择签字。 [translate] 
      adashboard 仪表板 [translate] 
      a我来自吉林大学电子科学与工程学院 I come from the Jilin University electronic science and the engineering college [translate]