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      A book on the table




      On the table there is a book


      On the table with a book


      On the table has a book

      aTOSELECT ITEM TOSELECT项目 [translate] 
      a典型机床 Typical engine bed [translate] 
      a6) Display a boxplot for your other numerical variable. [translate] 
      aI found some differences in test method 我发现了在测试方法上的有些区别 [translate] 
      ain the letter of award 在奖的信中 [translate] 
      a技能目标 Skill goal [translate] 
      aNow I ain't even tripping... the same thing' [translate] 
      a这道菜的主要材料是什么? What is this vegetable main material? [translate] 
      aIon Exchange Equilibrium Carbonate Treatment for Anticorrosion in Open Recirculating Cooling Water System Ion Exchange Equilibrium Carbonate Treatment for Anticorrosion in Open Recirculating Cooling Water System [translate] 
      a你给我生个孩子吧最好是个女孩 You have a child to me should better be a girl [translate] 
      aprelacada prelacada [translate] 
      a一个企业的文化 An enterprise's cultural connotation [translate] 
      awwhat the newsletter should look like and how often it should be sent. [translate] 
      aDependencies between the different use cases may cause 区别用途事例之间的附庸也许导致 [translate] 
      aIf broadening the allowable set of investment options eventually allows a higher rate of return, the same benefits can be financed with a lower contribution rate or the same 10 percent contribution rate can be used to obtain a higher level of benefits. For example, doubling the return from 4 percent to 8 percent would 如果扩展允许的套投资选择最终允许更高的回报率,同样好处可以提供经费以更低的贡献率或同一10%贡献率可以用于获得高水平好处。 例如,加倍回 [translate] 
      aClay red 黏土红色 [translate] 
      a若将过去抱得太紧,怎么腾出手来拥抱现在 If in the past will hug too tightly, how will leap gets rid of hugs the present [translate] 
      a有人认为香车,金钱,美女就是幸福 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a那只是我的外表 That is only my semblance [translate] 
      a请看下面的报告 Please look at following report [translate] 
      ain the container 在容器 [translate] 
      a请确保在明天前将部门关闭 Please guarantee in front of tomorrow closes the department [translate] 
      a邮件的内容是 The mail content is [translate] 
      a我们完成毛虫到蝶的蜕变 We complete the larva aculeata to butterfly's transformation [translate] 
      aschilt schilt [translate] 
      aRECYDE RECYDE [translate] 
      a:FLOW DIAGRAM OF THE RBS [EBS] :RBS (EBS的)流程图 [translate] 
      aCan arrange 1 bag for sample? 为例子可以整理 1 个包? [translate] 
      a桌子上有一本书 On the table has a book [translate]