


      英 [straɪp]

      美 [straɪp]



      vt.使 ... 带有条纹

      过去式: striped 过去分词: striped 现在分词: striping 第三人称单数: stripes


  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       条纹布
  •       条纹
  •       类型
  •       条纹衫
  •       条纹囚衣
  •       狭长地带
  •       V形袖标
  •       老虎
  •       线条
  •       鞭痕
  •       鞭打
  •       条子
  •       类别
  •       【军】军服上表示等级的条纹
  •       犯人穿的横条囚衣
  •       鞭伤
  •       条纹衣料
  •       斑纹
  •       特点


  •       加条纹于
  •       使…成条纹状
  •       在…上划条纹
  •       使成条纹状
  •       使 … 带有条纹


  •       [C] (与底色不同的)条纹 a band of color, among one or more other colors


      1. an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material

      Synonym: bandbanding

      2. a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background

      e.g. a green toad with small black stripes or bars
      may the Stars and Stripes forever wave

      Synonym: streakbar

      3. a kind or category

      e.g. businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal

      4. V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service

      e.g. they earned their stripes in Kuwait

      Synonym: chevronstripesgrade insignia

      5. a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service



      1. mark with stripes

      1. 条纹;线条
      A stripe is a long line which is a different colour from the areas next to it.


      e.g. She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides...
      e.g. The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad, pale blue and white stripes.

      2. (军装或警服上表示等级或服役年限的 V 型)臂章
      In the armed forces or the police, stripes are V-shaped bands of material sewn onto a uniform to indicate the rank of corporal or sergeant. In the United States, stripes can also show the length of time that a person has served in an organization.

      e.g. ...a soldier with a corporal's stripes on his arms...
      e.g. He'd lost his stripes for slovenliness and cheek.

      1. stripe在线翻译

      1. 条纹:代表种的特徵是身上有1或3条纵向黄色或红色条纹,条纹(Stripe)之间夹著方格斑. 条纹不明显或无条纹的种类通常称草蛇. 袜带蛇为加拿大至中美洲一带最常见的蛇类之一.

      2. stripe

      2. 条:图1给出了单一存储总线对应的数据存储系统的几种类型,这几个例子有一个共同的特征,那就是RAID校验完全是在一条总线上的多个磁盘间进行,RAID数据分条(Stripe)的存储方向和总线的方向平行,由于单一总线上容纳的设备数量有限,因此,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Each white petal had a stripe of red.
  •       The flag of the US has seven red stripes and six white ones.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       With one stripe Her Lions clawes he..away did wipe.

  •       Each passing day..may give a stripe, a smile, a counsel, a reproach.

  •       His shirt had big blue stripes.

    出自:I. Colegate
  •       Newer..looms..produce a raised stripe in taffeta.

    出自:New York Times
  •       The a yellow stripe.

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


stripe, band, belt, ribbon, strap
  •       这组词的共同意思是“带”。其区别是:
  •       1.从形状和质地上说:band泛指各种平而薄的带状物或横条纹;belt指窄、薄的长条状物;ribbon指细长的丝带或缎带;strap所指较广,常指布带、皮带等及各种细长的带;strip指细长的布条、木条、金属条等;stripe则指在某种材料上印染、编织或刻印的彩条、花纹。
  •       2.从功用上说:band主要用来系、固定,也用来装饰; belt主要用作腰带;ribbon主要用作装饰;strap和stripe则用途较广。
    •       ☆ 直接源自中古荷兰语的stripe,意为条纹。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          A thin magnetic stripe (magstripe) is all that stands between your credit card information and the bad guys.(你的信用卡信息和坏人之间只隔着一片细细的磁条。)

          The Alvis' wheel-clamp was soon copied by a certain stripe of computer hobbyist.(阿尔维斯的轮夹很快就被某个计算机爱好者复制了。)

          The outside, the van is nondescript.It doesn't even have a diagonal red stripe.(从外表看,这辆厢式货车平淡无奇,甚至连一条红色斜纹都没有。)

          The md1 (stripe) will be used as swap.(md1(条带)会当成交换分区使用。)

          A common pattern considered very professional is the pin-stripe.(比较职业化的一般样式是条纹状的。)

          And the last device, again a stripe.(最后一个设备,又是条带。)

          To see that, look very closely at the bottom edge of the stripe in the next photo, about an inch to the left of center.(要想发现那个,可以往下张照片里条纹的底部边缘,大约在中间偏左一英寸处,使劲凑近看。)

          She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides.(她穿了一套侧边有一条白色条纹的艳绿色慢跑服。)

          A common GUI trick is to stripe long lists or tables.(一种常用的GUI技巧是给长的列表或表格加上条纹效果。)

          Pass the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.(将条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠。)

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          stripe是什么意思 stripe在线翻译 stripe什么意思 stripe的意思 stripe的翻译 stripe的解释 stripe的发音 stripe的同义词
