


      英 [ˈvedʒtəbl]

      美 [ˈvɛdʒtəbəl, ˈvɛdʒɪtə-]





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  •       英英释义

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  •       蔬菜
  •       植物
  •       植物人
  •       青菜
  •       无精打采的人
  •       像植物一样没有生气的人
  •       生活单调乏味的人
  •       无精打采之人
  •       蔬菜的可食用部分
  •       生活呆板单调的人


  •       蔬菜的
  •       植物的
  •       植物性的
  •       得自植物的
  •       关于植物的
  •       安分守己的
  •       平平静静的
  •       酗酒的


  •       [C] 蔬菜 (part of various types of) plant eaten as food, e.g. potatoes, beans, onions
  •       [C] 生活单调的人 person who has a dull monotonous life
  •       [C] 植物人 person who is physically alive but mentally inactive because of injury, illness or abnormality


      1. edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant

      Synonym: veggieveg

      2. any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower

      1. 蔬菜
      Vegetables are plants such as cabbages, potatoes, and onions which you can cook and eat.


      e.g. A good general diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables.
      e.g. ...traditional Caribbean fruit and vegetables.

      2. 蔬菜的;植物的
      Vegetable matter comes from plants.

      e.g. ...compounds, of animal, vegetable or mineral origin.
      e.g. ...decayed vegetable matter.

      3. 植物人
      If someone refers to a brain-damaged person as a vegetable, they mean that the person cannot move, think, or speak.

      1. 植物人:06 独立摇滚 maquiladora | 07 植物人 vegetable | 08 伪装 fake plastic trees

      2. vegetable在线翻译

      2. 蔬菜;植物:uncountable noun 不可数名词 | vegetable 蔬菜;植物 | afford 负担得起;买得起

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Is the object animal, vegetable or mineral?
  •       Fresh vegetables are very cheap in the summer.
  •       You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market.
  •       Have you ever seen such monster vegetables?
  •       Fresh vegetables are reasonable in winter too.
  •       We grow many different vegetables:potatoes, eggplant, etc.
  •       A green salad has only green vegetables, such as lettuce and cucumber.
  •       Beijing's population of several million enjoys a constant supply of vegetables all the year round.
  •       The city has a plentiful supply of vegetables even in winter.
  •       This is a bottle of vegetable oil.
  •       They planned to visit a vegetable garden.
  •       They put patients on a vegetable diet.
  •       He is interested in vegetable cultivation.
  •       Stuck at home like this, she felt like a vegetable.
  •       After the accident he began to lead a vegetable life.
  •       Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires and more slow.

  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       vegetable的基本意思是“蔬菜”,用于比喻可指因伤、病或异常情况而丧失思维能力但仍有生命的“植物人”; 还可指“生活单调的人”。
  •       vegetable在句中还可置于其他名词前作定语。
  •       ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的vegetable,意为生命;最初源自中世纪拉丁语的vegetabilis,意为生长、茂盛。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.vegetable

      I like all kinds of fish and vegetables.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable.(严重的脑损伤使他变成了植物人。)

      Peas, beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.(豌豆、豆荚和扁豆是植物蛋白质的大好来源。)

      The vegetable harvest is disastrously behind schedule.(蔬菜收割灾难性地滞后于计划。)

      What are green vegetables? Do you have a vegetable garden?(什么是绿色蔬菜?你有菜园吗?)

      How about planting a vegetable garden?(种个菜园怎么样?)

      I brought vegetable soup.(我带了青菜汤。)

      Vegetable juice is good for our health.(蔬菜汁对我们的健康有益。)

      A turnip is another root vegetable.(萝卜是另一种根茎类蔬菜。)

      Broccoli is such a happy, green vegetable.(花椰菜是一种快乐,绿色的蔬菜。)

      In her first book she explained the role of vegetable fibres, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.(在她第一本书中,她解释了植物纤维、维生素、矿物质和其他重要营养物质的作用。)

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      vegetable是什么意思 vegetable在线翻译 vegetable什么意思 vegetable的意思 vegetable的翻译 vegetable的解释 vegetable的发音 vegetable的同义词
