


      英 [vɜ:s]

      美 [vɜ:rs]



      vt.诗化;在诗中表现;对 ... 精通

      过去式: versed 过去分词: versed 现在分词: versing 第三人称单数: verses


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

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  •       诗;韵文;诗歌,诗篇
  •       诗节,诗句,诗行,诗作
  •       节,句
  •       【音】独唱部
  •       歌曲的段落
  •       light verse的缩略
  •       诗体


  •       作诗,写成诗
  •       使熟练,使精通
  •       以诗描述,用诗表现
  •       把...改写成诗
  •       诗化
  •       对 ... 精通


  •       [U] 诗,韵文 poetry;lines of words usually with a regularly repeated accent and often with rhyme
  •       [C] 诗节,歌曲的一段 a unit within a poem,song,etc.


      1. a piece of poetry

      Synonym: rhyme

      2. a line of metrical text

      Synonym: verse line

      3. literature in metrical form

      Synonym: poetrypoesy


      1. familiarize through thorough study or experience

      e.g. She versed herself in Roman archeology

      2. compose verses or put into verse

      e.g. He versified the ancient saga

      Synonym: versifypoetizepoetise

      1. 诗;诗体;韵文
      Verse is writing arranged in lines which have rhythm and which often rhyme at the end.

      e.g. ...a slim volume of verse...
      e.g. I have been moved to write a few lines of verse.

      2. 诗节;诗行;(歌曲的)段落;(《圣经》、《古兰经》等中的)节
      A verse is one of the parts into which a poem, a song, or a chapter of the Bible or the Koran is divided.

      e.g. This verse describes three signs of spring...
      e.g. The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.

      3. chapter and verse -> see chapter

      1. 诗歌:我在MARRYATVILLE还听了6/7年级的一节Guided Reading(阅读指导)课,老师发给了每个学生一首I am Australian(我是澳大利亚人)诗歌(VERSE),这也是一首合唱(CHORUS)的歌词.

      2. (诗)节:以希伯来文的一行当做一个诗节(verse)来算,那么它的结构就是 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3. 第一节(1a)是一句导言,以后共有四个诗段(strophe),第一段有四节(1b-2),诗人用以描写他的良友对自己的葡萄园的关心和照顾;第二段也有四节(3-4),

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       He expressed his ideas in verse.
  •       He quotes a few verses from Tennyson in his paper.
  •       She is the minor poet of our class, composing only ragged verses.
  •       The Saxon Verses consist of three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or more syllables.

    出自:E. Elstob
  •       Like Ovid's Fasti, in hexameter and pentameter verses.

    出自:J. Warton
  •       He began to verse extemporaneously in her ear.

    出自:G. Meredith
  •       A feeling which grows..the more I verse myself in His commandments.

    出自:R. F. Horton
  •       词义讲解


verse, doggerel, jingle, poem, poesy, poetry
  •       这组词的共同意思是“诗”。其区别是:
  •       1.poem多指“一首一首的诗”; poetry指“诗的总称”或“诗的艺术”,有时还可指“诗意”。例如:
  •       This dancer has poetry in her movements.这位舞者的动作充满了诗意。
  •       2.verse作“韵文,诗”解,比poetry更注重诗的形式,而poetry更注重诗的内容。合乎诗的形式但无诗意的平凡之作叫verse,不能叫poetry。verse还可指诗节,也可指诗的“一行”。例如:
  •       Not all verse is great poetry.不是所有的诗都是好诗。
  •       3.doggerel意为“歪诗,打油诗”,常指充满陈词滥调、不恰当的比喻和令人讨厌的韵律的一些平庸陈腐的作品,人们对任何不喜欢的诗进行贬义的夸张时都可称为doggerel。例如:
  •       Do you agree that the poet had seldom written anything but doggerel?你不认为那个诗人写的只是打油诗吗?
  •       4.jingle指有简单的韵律的“诗”,常指没有丰富的语言内涵、伴有歌曲或单调的韵律的极其简单的“小诗”,往往旨在引起人注意。例如:
  •       This is only nursery jingle.这只是哄小孩子的小诗。
  •       5.poesy为古英语,含义同poetry,但比poetry更带有抒情和赞许的情调。一般多用于刻薄地指责那些过于华丽、矫揉造作、文风陈腐的诗作。
  •       6.poem为可数名词; poetry为不可数名词; verse为不可数名词,但作“诗节”“行”解时,为可数名词; doggerel为不可数名词。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          In this poem, each verse has 5 beats.(在这首诗中,每行有5个音步。)

          By the time she reached her late teens, she had written enough poetry to put together a slender book of verse.(在她十八九岁的时候,她已经写了足够多的诗,可以集成一本薄薄的诗集。)

          They began the verse, but they never finished it, for another sound broke in and stilled them.(他们开始唱歌,但没能唱完,因为另一个声音打断了他们,使他们沉寂了。)

          "Go on with the next verse," the Gryphon repeated impatiently, "it begins 'I passed by his garden.'"(“背下一节吧,”鹰头怪不耐烦地重复着,“开头是‘我路过他的花园。’”)

          Verse 12: "No one has ever seen God."(第12节:,“从来没有人见过神。”)

          He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm.(他背诵了《诗篇》中的第二十三个诗节。)

          Here is the image of the lines of trees and the metrical regularity of that verse that describes them.(这是排列成行的树的画面和描述它们的诗句的韵律规律性。)

          Walker has published four books of her verse.(沃克已经出版了4本诗集。)

          Peter gives two explicit answers in verse 38 to what they need—what we need.(彼得在38诗节中给出了两个明确的答案,他们需要什么——我们需要什么。)

          Most of the play is written in verse, but some of it is in prose.(这剧本大部分是用韵文写的,不过有一些是用散文。)

          verse是什么意思 verse在线翻译 verse什么意思 verse的意思 verse的翻译 verse的解释 verse的发音 verse的同义词
