


      英 [ˈvɜ:sətaɪl]

      美 [ˈvɜ:rsətl]


      副词: versatilely 名词: versatility


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  •       多才多艺的
  •       易变的
  •       多功能的
  •       活动的
  •       多方面(适用)的
  •       可四面转动的
  •       反覆无常的
  •       万能的
  •       通用的
  •       多用途的
  •       多面手的
  •       多变的
  •       三心两意的
  •       万向的
  •       【动】可向前或向后转动的
  •       【植】丁字形的


  •       有多种学问、技能或职业的;多才多艺的 turning easily or readily from one subject,skill or occupation to another
  •       (指工具、机器等)多用途的,多功能的 (of a tool,machine,etc.) having various uses



      1. able to move freely in all directions

      e.g. an owl's versatile toe can move backward and forward
      an insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally
      a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind

      2. competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another

      e.g. a versatile writer

      3. changeable or inconstant

      e.g. versatile moods

      4. having great diversity or variety

      e.g. his various achievements are impressive
      his vast and versatile erudition

      Synonym: various

      1. 有多种技能的;多才多艺的
      If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills.


      e.g. He had been one of the game's most versatile athletes.

      Aileen stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress.

      2. 有多种用途的;多功能的
      A tool, machine, or material that is versatile can be used for many different purposes.

      e.g. Never before has computing been so versatile.
      e.g. ...a versatile blue chambray skirt.

      Velvet is not known for its versatility.


      1. 多面手:未来的内部审计师必须具备以下素质: * 多面手(Versatile):拥有大局观,对整个组织的价值具有前瞻性考虑. * 置身其中(Involvement):要参与和了解公司各项业务,发现问题及时提出解决措施,不搞秋后算账.

  •       常用例句

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  •       A versatile person is one who is good at a number of different things.
  •       Nylon is a versatile material.
  •       The versatile tenderness which marks the..capricious feelings of the populace.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Never before has computing been so versatile.(计算机技术从未像现在这样用途广泛。)

      He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.(他是个多才多艺的演员,扮演过各种各样的角色。)

      He is sparkling and versatile in front of the camera.(他在摄影机前聪颖机智、多才多艺。)

      The most versatile ones are derived from embryos.(最万能的那一种取自于胚胎。)

      He is a very versatile writer.(他是个多才多艺的作家。)

      DVD today also stands for Digital Versatile disc.(今天的DVD也可以说是数字万能光碟。)

      Simple linear regression is also a versatile modeling technique.(简单线性回归还是一种多用途的建模技术。)

      A paperback is just a too versatile and easy device to read from.(一本平装书读起来确实太万能、太方便了。)

      This is an extremely versatile new kitchen machine.(这是一种功能极多的新型厨房机械。)

      She is really versatile.(她真是多才多艺。)

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