


      英 [vaɪˈbreɪt]

      美 [ˈvaɪˌbret]



      过去式: vibrated 过去分词: vibrated 现在分词: vibrating 第三人称单数: vibrates


  •       双解释义

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  •       vt. & vi. (使)振动; (使)颤动 (cause to) shake continuously and very rapidly with a fine slight movement


      1. feel sudden intense sensation or emotion

      e.g. he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine

      Synonym: thrilltickle

      2. move or swing from side to side regularly

      e.g. the needle on the meter was oscillating

      Synonym: oscillate

      3. shake, quiver, or throb
      move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner

      4. sound with resonance

      e.g. The sound resonates well in this theater

      Synonym: resonate

      5. be undecided about something
      waver between conflicting positions or courses of action

      e.g. He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement

      Synonym: hovervacillateoscillate

      1. (使)颤动;(使)振动;(使)抖动
      If something vibrates or if you vibrate it, it shakes with repeated small, quick movements.

      e.g. The ground shook and the cliffs seemed to vibrate...
      e.g. The noise vibrated the table.

      The vibrations of the vehicles rattled the shop windows.

      1. 震动:建立一个新的 String 值,要注意把 Value name 设定为 Script,而 value data 可以设定成 apr 或者是 av0pr,有 v0 就是有震动 (Vibrate) 的意思. 如果你想要每隔 3 秒才叫一次,那就改成 av0prw3,后面的 3 可以改成其他的数字.

      2. 振动:vibraphonist 铁琴演奏家 | vibrate 振动 | vibratile 可振动的

      3. 震动 convulse 震动:324 vast 宽广的,巨大的 large 巨大的 | 325 vibrate 震动 convulse 震动 | 326 vigilant 警惕的 alert 警惕的


      4. 摆动:Earthquake:地震 | Vibrate:摆动 | Orbit:进入轨道环行

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The bridge vibrated when a heavy truck passed.
  •       The diaphragm vibrates, thus setting the air around it in motion.
  •       The air in the desert seemed to vibrate in the midday heat.
  •       The leaves were vibrating in the breeze.
  •       Their hearts vibrated to the speaker's stirring appeal.
  •       Her lower lip vibrated.
  •       His voice vibrated with passion.
  •       The whole hall was vibrating with excitement.
  •       At night, the whole city vibrates with life.
  •       The engine has stopped vibrating.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Star to star vibrates light.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       vibrate的基本意思是“振动”“颤动”,指物体多少有规则的摆动,尤指高频率的周期振动或小振幅的弧形运动,也可指乐器之弦受到弹奏或打击时受到的高频振动。引申可表示“颤动”“跳动”“悸动”。
  •       vibrate主要用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。


vibrate, shudder
  •       这组词都有“震动”的意思。其区别在于:vibrate指物体(特别是弦、簧、锣、鼓等发声物体)的震动,用于人体时,取其引申义; shudder指因极度寒冷、极度恐怖引起身体的强烈震颤。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          When acoustic waves cause the fibre to vibrate, it produces a corresponding electrical signal that can be detected.(当纤维在声波的作用下发出振动时,它会产生一种能够被探测到的电子信号。)

          If I missed her call or had my phone on vibrate she would say: 'Are you crazy?(如果我错过了她的电话或者把手机调成了震动模式,她马上会说:你疯了吗?)

          When the atoms try to move, they vibrate against each other.(当原子想动的时候,它们就互相碰撞。)

          It's important to tighten up the wheels properly, otherwise they vibrate loose and fall off.(把车轮拧紧很重要,否则它们会振动而松脱。)

          To allow a fibre to vibrate along its radial axis, like the strings on a musical instrument, a more complex architecture is required.(如果要在纤维上达到类似于弦在乐器上围绕其辐射轴振动的效果,科学家们需要更加精密的设计建构。)

          Some of them are powerful enough to make the water vibrate.(它们当中的一些很有能量,足以让水震动。)

          When the pulse-generator sends an ultrasonic pulse to the wireless electrode, the sonic energy causes a receiver in the electrode to vibrate.(当其向无线电极发出超声脉冲时,电极中的接收器会因音波能量而震动。)

          Electrical signals make the fibre vibrate to produce a sound (although rather quietly, so you must listen to it closely).(这种纤维在接收到电子信号后,会振动产生一种声音(但很细微,需要凑近聆听)。)

          Chemists have long known that atoms in a molecule vibrate at a particular frequency, depending on their overall molecular structure.(化学家们早就知道,在分子中原子以特定的取决于整体分子结构的频率振动。)

          You’re more lightly to hear/feel the vibrate alert if your phone is in your pocket compared to in a bag.(相比放在包中,你会更容易地听到/感受到在口袋里的手机声响/振动。)

          vibrate是什么意思 vibrate在线翻译 vibrate什么意思 vibrate的意思 vibrate的翻译 vibrate的解释 vibrate的发音 vibrate的同义词
