


      英 [ˈvɪʃəs]

      美 [ˈvɪʃəs]


      副词: viciously 名词: viciousness


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  •       有错误的
  •       恶毒的,邪恶的,恶意的,凶恶的
  •       堕落的
  •       恶劣的,严重的
  •       剧烈的
  •       恶性的
  •       严厉的
  •       有缺点的
  •       残酷的
  •       狂暴的
  •       罪恶的
  •       不道德的,品行坏的


  •       恶的,邪恶的 full of bad habits or behaviour
  •       残酷的,狠毒的 cruel;having or showing hate and the desire to hurt


      1. marked by deep ill will
      deliberately harmful

      e.g. poisonous hate
      venomous criticism
      vicious gossip

      Synonym: poisonousvenomous

      2. (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering

      e.g. a barbarous crime
      brutal beatings
      cruel tortures
      Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks
      a savage slap
      vicious kicks

      Synonym: barbarousbrutalcruelfellroughshodsavage

      3. bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure

      e.g. a criminal waste of talent
      a deplorable act of violence
      adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife

      Synonym: condemnablecriminaldeplorablereprehensible

      4. having the nature of vice

      Synonym: evil

      1. 残暴的;凶残的;凶恶的
      A vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel.


      e.g. He was a cruel and vicious man...
      e.g. He suffered a vicious attack by a gang of white youths...

      She had been viciously attacked with a hammer.
      ...the intensity and viciousness of these attacks.

      2. 恶毒的;恶意的;不怀好意的
      A vicious remark is cruel and intended to upset someone.

      e.g. It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.
      e.g. ...her shrewish temperament and vicious tongue.

      'He deserved to die,' said Penelope viciously.

      1. vicious的翻译

      1. 邪恶的:摄魂怪是种邪恶的(vicious)生物,他们不会区别对待(distinguish)追捕的对象和任何一个挡住他们去路的人. 词组get in one's way,挡住某人的去路.

      2. 恶的:摄魂怪是种邪恶的(vicious)生物,他们不会区别对待(distinguish)追捕的对象和任何一个挡住他们去路的人. 词组get in one's way,挡住某人的去路.

      3. 邪恶:有不少的经典歌曲,如<>(Perfect Day)其舒缓的旋律、深刻的歌词可以算得上是他的代表作,<>(Walk On The Wild Side)登上排行榜冠军,<>(Vicious)和<>

      4. vicious的近义词

      4. 恶毒的,严重的:A pretty silly ritual一种愚蠢的仪式 | Vicious恶毒的,严重的 | Stubborn顽固的

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The drunkard led a vicious life.
  •       He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.
  •       His practical and speculative morals were vitious in the extreme.

  •       The most vicious men have sometimes narrowly evaded sanctity.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      It be comes a vicious cycle.(久而久之,这便成为一个恶性循环。)

      Perlow calls this vicious cycle the "cycle of responsiveness": Once bosses and colleagues experience an employee's increased responsiveness, they increase their demands on the employee's time.(珀洛将这种恶性循环称为“响应周期”:一旦老板和同事体验到员工的响应能力增强,他们就会增加对员工时间的要求。)

      In other words, a vicious circle.(换句话说,就是一个恶性循环。)

      Thailand can be a vicious place.(泰国有时是个危险的地方。)

      Beware of vicious dog.(谨防恶犬。)

      He suffered a vicious attack by a gang of white youths.(他遭到了一帮白人青年凶残的攻击。)

      The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard.(作者把他父亲描绘成一个可恶的酒鬼。)

      Their loss was partly due to a vicious price war between manufacturers that has cut margins to the bone.(他们的亏损部分是因为制造商之间把利润空间削减到了极点的一场恶性价格战。)

      She wrote me a vicious letter.(她给我写了一封严厉的信。)

      It looks like a vicious circle.(这一切就像是一个恶性循环。)

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