


      英 [vaɪl]

      美 [vaɪl]


      副词: vilely 比较级: viler 最高级: vilest 名词: vileness


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  •       非常讨厌的 extremely disgusting
  •       卑鄙的;可耻的 despicable on moral grounds;corrupt
  •       极坏的 extremely bad



      1. morally reprehensible

      e.g. would do something as despicable as murder
      ugly crimes
      the vile development of slavery appalled them
      a slimy little liar

      Synonym: despicableuglyslimyunworthyworthlesswretched

      2. causing or able to cause nausea

      e.g. a nauseating smell
      nauseous offal
      a sickening stench

      Synonym: nauseatingnauseousnoisomequeasyloathsomeoffensivesickening

      1. 糟糕透顶的;讨厌的;恶劣的
      If you say that someone or something is vile, you mean that they are very unpleasant.

      e.g. The weather was consistently vile...
      e.g. She was in too vile a mood to work.

      1. 卑鄙的:vilayet 省 | vile 卑鄙的 | vilely 讨厌地

      2. 恶劣的:vigorous 精力充沛的 | vile 恶劣的 | villa 别墅

      3. 可恨的,可耻的:wicked 坏的;令人厌恶的 | vile 可恨的,可耻的 | nexus (看法等的)连系,连结

      4. 卑鄙的, 恶劣的:perverseness 堕落;倔强 | vile 卑鄙的, 恶劣的 | perpetual 没完没了的, 不断的

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       His talk was full of vile curses.
  •       Who could have carried out such a vile attack?
  •       The vilest specimens of human nature are to be found among demagogues.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  •       He used me vile names.

    出自:T. C. Wolfe
  •       An act of the most vile treachery.

    出自:B. Head
  •       词义讲解


vile, base, low, mean
  •       这四个词的共同意思是“卑微,低贱”。其区别是:
  •       1.low多指道德低下,如以狡猾的手法欺骗弱者等,也指身份或阶级地位的卑微,还可指思想、语言或行为的低下;base主要指道德败坏、没有人格、自私怯懦、卑贱可耻;vile指卑鄙龌龊,令人生厌;mean与low同义,通常指一个人的品行而言,如卑鄙、自私、小气、刻薄、下贱等。例如:
  •       He had a low position in a church.在教堂里他地位低下。
  •       They were punished for their base conduct.他们因为道德败坏的行为而受到了惩罚。
  •       Children living in this area listen to grown-ups speak vile language every day.在这个地区的孩子们每天听着污言秽语长大。
  •       That was a mean trick.那是一个卑鄙的骗局。
  •       2.在语气的强弱上, base是这四个词中最强的,其次是vile, mean和low语气最弱。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          You are the dirty, vile, treacherous sod .(你是个卑鄙、恶劣、奸诈的酒鬼。)

          Abroad he bolsters vile leaders, such as Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe.(在国外,他支持像津巴布韦的罗伯特·穆加贝这样的领导人。)

          Bai, if you've got any old, worn-out clothes, don't give them to that vile woman.(巴姨,你要是有什么过了时的破旧衣服,别给那个贱女人。)

          The weather was really vile most of the time.(天气大部分时间都糟糕得很。)

          A vile smell assailed my nostrils.(一股恶臭十分刺鼻。)

          "Now, it is very necessary that we should not flinch from seeing what is vile and debasing," he said.(“现在,我们需要鼓起勇气,不再胆怯于发现那些邪恶和下等之物”,他说。)

          Toevah describes cultural prohibitions or taboos but certainly does not imply that something is vile or unnatural.(teovah描述了文化的禁令和忌讳,却并没有涉及邪恶或是违反自然法则等概念。)

          Either way, his demise spells the end of a vile reign.(不论怎样,他的死终结了一个邪恶统治时代。)

          The rage I expressed on the phone, the nasty and vile things I said.(我不停地打电话表达我的愤怒,我还说了一些肮脏和卑鄙的话。)

          Because the husband is vile-should the wife be vile too?(做丈夫的不正派,是不是做妻子的也应不正派呢?)

          vile是什么意思 vile在线翻译 vile什么意思 vile的意思 vile的翻译 vile的解释 vile的发音 vile的同义词
