


      英 [ˈvælɪd]

      美 [ˈvælɪd]


      副词: validly 名词: validity


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  •       英英释义

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  •       【律】有效的,经正当手续的,合法的
  •       有根据的,确凿的,令人信服的
  •       正确的
  •       认可的
  •       合理的
  •       健全的
  •       站得住的
  •       强健的,有力的
  •       【逻】 符合逻辑的,含有暗示之结论的前提的
  •       奏效的,生效的


  •       正当的,有充分根据的,符合逻辑的 (of arguments, reasons, etc.) well based or logical; sound
  •       有效的 that can legally be used for a stated period or in certain conditions
  •       有法律效力的 legally effective because made or done with the correct formalities


      1. still legally acceptable

      e.g. the license is still valid

      2. well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force

      e.g. a valid inference
      a valid argument
      a valid contract

      1. 有根据的;正当的;合理的
      A valid argument, comment, or idea is based on sensible reasoning.


      e.g. They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting...
      e.g. It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill, from which all others derive...

      The editorial in the Financial Times says this argument has lost much of its validity.

      2. 有意义的;有效的
      Something that is valid is important or serious enough to make it worth saying or doing.


      e.g. Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.

      ...the validity of making children wear cycle helmets.

      3. (票证等)有效的
      If a ticket or other document is valid, it can be used and will be accepted by people in authority.

      e.g. For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport...
      e.g. All tickets are valid for two months.

      4. see also: validity

      1. 正确的:正理学派所构作的这个两难式的论证,固然是正确的( valid )论证,但是,问题是它的三个前提都是真的吗?依 据逻辑原理,一个正确的论证,如果出现了假的前提,其结 论仍然有可能是错误的. 我人将在下文介绍龙树的观点;依照他的观点,

      2. valid的意思

      2. 合法:HTML 面向文本、信息发布,HTML 容许混乱;XML 面向数据、数据处理,XML 要求工整(well-formed)合法(Valid用户可用 XML 创建自己的 HTML. 中国站长.站版权申明:本站文章均来自网络.5、XML 是信息的对象化语言.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Do you have valid reasons for your absence?
  •       He has a valid passport.
  •       This is a valid will.
  •       According to law,..many..documents are not legally valid unless they be stamped.

    出自:W. S. Jevons
  •       A Eurocheque book...means you can write a cheque valid in any currency in Europe.

    出自:Amiga Computing
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 16世纪70年代进入英语,直接源自中古法语的valide,意为有法律效力,法定联系;最初源自古典拉丁语的validus,意为强大的,有效率的。
  •       考研真题例句

      考研真题例句OG 1.valid

      People can contribute experience or information to your thinking—all the things that would make the disagreement stronger or more valid.



      考研真题例句OG 2.valid

      Those are all valid, but you need to take time to hear out your coworkers, too.



      考研真题例句OG 3.valid

      Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that could result if every state sets its own rules.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      This train ticket is valid for three days.(这张车票3日内有效。)

      All tickets are valid for two months.(所有的票在两个月内有效。)

      They practice various things for overseas travel, only to realize that none of them has a valid passport.(他们为出国旅行实践了各种各样的事情,然而才意识到他们都没有有效的护照。)

      You are in violation of the law—driving without a valid license.(你在没有有效驾照的情况下开车是违法的。)

      A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.(一名药剂师可以供应任何处方上的药,如果他或她认为药方有效的话。)

      So it seems that these are valid criticisms of the environmental approach.(因此,看来这些都是对环境法的正当批判。)

      They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting.(他们提出了许多有根据的理由来反对出口。)

      All customers travelling on TransLink services must be in possession of a valid ticket before boarding.(所有使用联运服务的乘客在登机前必须持有有效机票。)

      Here's the ticket for not having a valid license.(这是对未持有有效执照的罚单。)

      The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid.(该法庭裁定由议会通过的法律仍然有效。)

      valid是什么意思 valid在线翻译 valid什么意思 valid的意思 valid的翻译 valid的解释 valid的发音 valid的同义词
