


      英 [ˈvænɪʃ]

      美 [ˈvænɪʃ]


      副词: vanishingly 名词: vanisher 过去式: vanished 过去分词: vanished 现在分词: vanishing 第三人称单数: vanishes


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  •       【语音】弱化音


  •       突然不见
  •       绝迹
  •       消逝
  •       使不见
  •       使消失
  •       【数】成零
  •       失踪
  •       无影无踪
  •       销声匿迹
  •       烟消云散
  •       云消雾散
  •       化为乌有
  •       敛迹
  •       隐去
  •       隐没
  •       沉没
  •       消亡
  •       突然消失
  •       不复存在
  •       消散
  •       逐渐消逝
  •       成为零


  •       vi. 消失 disappear; go suddenly out of sight


      1. decrease rapidly and disappear

      e.g. the money vanished in las Vegas
      all my stock assets have vaporized

      Synonym: flyvaporize

      2. get lost, as without warning or explanation

      e.g. He disappeared without a trace

      Synonym: disappeargo away

      3. cease to exist

      e.g. An entire civilization vanished

      Synonym: disappear

      4. pass away rapidly

      e.g. Time flies like an arrow
      Time fleeing beneath him

      Synonym: flyfell

      5. become invisible or unnoticeable

      e.g. The effect vanished when day broke

      Synonym: disappeargo away

      1. 消失;失踪;突然不见
      If someone or something vanishes, they disappear suddenly or in a way that cannot be explained.


      e.g. He just vanished and was never seen again...
      e.g. The aircraft vanished without trace...

      2. (物种)灭绝;(传统)消亡
      If something such as a species of animal or a tradition vanishes, it stops existing.


      e.g. Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished...
      e.g. ...all the species of birds that had vanished from Iowa.

      1. vanish

      1. 尖灭;消失:vanish point 终点 | vanish 尖灭;消失 | vantage 优势

      2. 成霁:vandermonde determinant 范德蒙行列式 | vanish 成霁 | vanishing 消没的

      3. vanish在线翻译

      3. 消失,突然不见:14. bulldozer:推土机 | 15. vanish:消失,突然不见 | 16. binding:装订

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    〈非正〉消失 disappear
    vanish away

          When morning came, the mist had vanished away.


          No one saw who stole the jewels, they just vanish away!


          All your troubles will vanish away when he returns safely.



  •       The thief ran into the crowd and vanished.
  •       The ship vanished.
  •       Our hopes suddenly vanished.
  •       Your prospects of success have vanished.
  •       Their fears vanished when the storm ended.
  •       We saw the stars vanish and the dawn of a new day approach.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       She got into her car..and vanished in the direction of the Berkshire Downs.

    出自:J. I. M. Stewart
  •       The street vanished into total darkness.

    出自:I. McEwan
  •       He needed to vanish from the gaze of his..creditors.

    出自:P. Ackroyd
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       vanish的基本意思是“消失”,指突然地、往往神秘地消失不见,强调消失的彻底性,即“化为乌有”,往往带有一定的神秘色彩。引申可表示“希望的破灭”“某物种的绝迹”。
  •       vanish是不及物动词,其后常跟介词from或in〔into〕连用。


vanish, evanesce, evaporate
  •       这组词都可表示“从视线消失或不复存在”。其区别是:
  •       vanish指完全地、常常是神秘而骤然地消失,不留任何蛛丝马迹; evanesce强调从视线或头脑里消失的过程; evaporate指犹如水蒸发时那样悄然逝去,也指某人悄悄地,突然地离去或退出。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The magician's best trick was to make the woman in the box vanish.(那名魔术师最厉害的绝技是让箱子里的女人消失。)

          Global warming heats up the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning Alaska's tundra stands to vanish if temperatures continue to rise.(全球变暖使得北极升温的速度是世界其他地区的两倍,这意味着如果气温继续上升,阿拉斯加苔原将消失。)

          By taking away our ability to choose it, evil would vanish.(只要我们不再有选择的能力,邪恶必然地将从世上消失。)

          You'll see what goals keep surfacing and what goals vanish.(你会看到哪些目标不断浮现而哪些逐渐消失。)

          Anyhow, they vanish.(总之,它们消失了。)

          That does not mean that digital music players will vanish.(这并不意味着数字音乐播放器将从市场消失。)

          Here's our list of 10 places to see before they completely vanish.(下面是列出的10个地方,我们要赶在它们完全消失前来看看。)

          Frightened birds rise up from the trees crying out and vanish away to the west.(林中受到惊吓的鸟儿立即四散飞开,转眼之间消失在西方。)

          For most, work will vanish with the summer.(对于大部分人来说,工作将随夏天一道消失。)

          No one wants to see Japan's industrial heirlooms vanish.(但没有人愿意看到日本的祖传工业消亡。)

          vanish是什么意思 vanish在线翻译 vanish什么意思 vanish的意思 vanish的翻译 vanish的解释 vanish的发音 vanish的同义词
