


      英 [vɑ:z]

      美 [veɪs]




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  •       瓶
  •       花瓶
  •       【建、家具】瓶饰,装饰瓶
  •       瓶式雕刻
  •       水瓮
  •       希腊瓶
  •       玻璃器皿
  •       花饰


  •       [C] 装饰瓶;花瓶 a holder or container used chiefly for ornament or for holding flowers


      1. an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers

      1. 花瓶;(装饰用的)瓶
      A vase is a jar, usually made of glass or pottery, used for holding cut flowers or as an ornament.

      e.g. ...a vase of red roses.
      e.g. ...lead crystal vases.

      1. 花瓶:同~ase串记:花瓶(vase)基底(base)情况(case)容易(ease)了解. 同~ast串记:快速(fast)向东(east)扔和投(cast),过去(past)巨大(vast)落最后(last).

      2. 瓶子:我想瓶子(vase)比can高, 我想水桶bucket比瓶子宽. 去改变一切是简单的,我们想靶子从地面突出到天上. 我们检查物体为 (texid 是 2). 若是, 设方向(dir)若任何调入图片的失误,则到返回 FALSE 值, 并程序结束.

      3. 花瓶,瓶:vary 改变,变化 | vase 花瓶,瓶 | vast 巨大的大量的;辽阔的;巨额的

  •       常用例句


  •       In a vase on the table stood a rose.
  •       词义讲解


vase, bottle
  •       1.bottle指的瓶子是口小肚大,多由玻璃或塑料制成,且口到肚之间的变化比较缓,如普通的啤酒瓶。
  •       2.vase指的是供装饰用的花瓶,口的直径同肚的直径差不多,或是口到肚之间的变化比较小。例如:
  •       The potter carefully shaped the vase.那个陶工精心地制作了这个花瓶。
  •       The artist painted a vase of flowers against a dark background.画家画了一瓶花,衬着深色背景。
  •       The ancient vase was painted with pastoral scenes.这古老的花瓶上绘饰着田园景色。
  •       She succeeded in patching the broken vase together.她成功地把打破的花瓶拼凑好了。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          I replaced the vase carefully on its pedestal.(我小心地把花瓶放回基座上。)

          The vase fell in pieces.(花瓶跌个粉碎。)

          I've found a vase that is an exact match of the one I broke.(我找到了一只花瓶,和我打碎的那个一模一样。)

          This vase has been preserved intact.(这个花瓶保存得完好无损。)

          This vase is worth several hundred dollars.(这只花瓶值几百元。)

          I gently put it in the vase.(我轻轻把它插在花瓶中。)

          The vase was quite fragile so we had to wrap it in soft material before we send it by post.(这个花瓶很易碎,所以我们在邮寄前必须用软材料把它包起来。)

          The shattered vase lay in fragments on the floor.(打碎的花瓶在地上成了一堆碎片。)

          What am I bid for this vase?(诸位愿给这个花瓶出多少钱?)

          She broke a vase.(她打碎了一只花瓶。)

          vase是什么意思 vase在线翻译 vase什么意思 vase的意思 vase的翻译 vase的解释 vase的发音 vase的同义词
