


      英 [les]

      美 [lɛs]







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  •       更小的,更少的
  •       较少的,较小的
  •       较次的,较劣的
  •       较不重要的
  •       身分较低的


  •       little的比较级


  •       减少,减轻


  •       较少的,更少的 a smaller amount


  •       较少,更少,少 smaller extent;not so much


      1. (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases) fewer

      e.g. less than three weeks
      no less than 50 people attended
      in 25 words or less

      2. (usually preceded by `no') lower in quality

      e.g. no less than perfect


      1. used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs

      e.g. less interesting
      less expensive
      less quickly

      Synonym: to a lesser extent

      2. comparative of little

      e.g. she walks less than she should
      he works less these days

      Less is often considered to be the comparative form of little.

      1. (数量)较小(或少)的;更小(或少)的(前面可用a little,a lot,a bit,far和much等修饰)
      You use less to indicate that there is a smaller amount of something than before or than average. You can use 'a little', 'a lot', 'a bit', 'far', and 'much' in front of less.

      e.g. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
      e.g. ...a dishwasher that uses less water and electricity than older machines...

      2. (用在数字或数量前)少于,低于,比…少
      You use less than before a number or amount to say that the actual number or amount is smaller than this.

      e.g. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside...
      e.g. Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs.

      3. (某一特性的程度与以往或一般情况相比)较轻地,较差地
      You use less to indicate that something or someone has a smaller amount of a quality than they used to or than is average or usual.

      e.g. I often think about those less fortunate than me...
      e.g. Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room...

      4. 不像…(更像…);与其说…(倒不如说…)
      If you say that something is less one thing than another, you mean that it is like the second thing rather than the first.

      e.g. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp...
      e.g. Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.

      5. (做得)较少,更少
      If you do something less than before or less than someone else, you do it to a smaller extent or not as often.

      e.g. We are eating more and exercising less...
      e.g. I see less of any of my friends than I used to.

      6. (用于否定句后)遑论,更何况,更不用说
      You use the expressions still less ,much less, and even less after a negative statement in order to introduce and emphasize a further statement, and to make it negative too.

      e.g. I never talked about it, still less about her...
      e.g. The boy didn't have a girlfriend, much less a wife.

      7. (用在数字或数量前)扣除,减去
      When you are referring to amounts, you use less in front of a number or quantity to indicate that it is to be subtracted from another number or quantity already mentioned.

      e.g. ...Boyton Financial Services Fees: £750, less £400...
      e.g. Company car drivers will pay between ten and twenty five percent, less tax.

      You use less to talk about amounts that cannot be counted. ...less meat. When you are talking about things that can be counted, you should use fewer. ...fewer potatoes.
      谈论不可数事物的数量用less,如:less meat(较少的肉)。谈论可数事物则用fewer,如:fewer potatoes(较少的马铃薯)。

      8. 逐渐减少;越来越小
      You use less and less to say that something is becoming smaller all the time in degree or amount.

      e.g. The couple seem to spend less and less time together...
      e.g. She sounded less and less eager to return to Ireland...

      9. 毫不;完全不;一点都不
      You use less than to say that something does not have a particular quality. For example, if you describe something as less than perfect, you mean that it is not perfect at all.

      e.g. Her greeting was less than enthusiastic...
      e.g. Her advice has frequently been less than wholly helpful.

      10. (对某事物或某人的重要性表示惊讶或钦佩)竟然,居然
      You can use no less as a way of expressing surprise or admiration at the importance of something or someone.


      e.g. He had returned to England in an aircraft carrier no less...
      e.g. Who wrote the screenplay from Patricia Highsmith's book? Raymond Chandler, no less.

      11. (对某一数目之大表示惊奇)多达
      You use no less than before an amount to indicate that the amount is larger than you expected.

      e.g. No less than 35 per cent of the country is protected in the form of parks and nature sanctuaries...
      e.g. He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews.

      12. couldn't care less -> see care
      more or less -> see more
      nothing less than -> see nothing

      1. 少:成组联想:需要(need)多走(-ceed-)少(less)说(-fess-)成组联想:举例要简单,每个单个的(single)例子都要适用. 成组联想:他希望(wish)用鱼做一道菜. 成组联想:他早起(rise)提高了产量,受到表扬,实践证明他是正确的.

      2. 小于:对无符号数条件转移指令的,比较,用高于 (Above)、低于 (BelOW)和等于 (Equal)对符号数条件转移指令的,比较,用大于 (Greater)、小于 (Less)和等于

      3. less

      3. 按页显示文件:head 显示指定文件的前若干行 | less 按页显示文件 | ln 创建文件链接

      4. less:least cost estimating and scheduling system; 最低成本估算与生产调度系统

  •       情景对话

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      B:You‘re asking too much for this part .

      A:we have some cheaper ones .

      B:What is the price difference ?

      A:The basic model will cost about 10% less .


      A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .

      B:But that costs more .

      A:But you will get less waste from this .


      B:We‘ll try it once .


      A:Front Desk. Can I help you?

      B:Yes. I'm checking out now, and want to get a taxi to the cinema. Could you get one for me, please?

      A:Certainly, sir. I'll get a taxi for you. Are you going directly to the cinema?


      B:No. I need to stop by the shop.

      A:OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes.It will take less than 5 minutes to check out.
      好,10分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等候。 退房最多只需5分钟。

      B:Good. Thank you. I'll be right down.


    不少于,多达 as much as


    越来越小〔少〕地 at a continually decreasing rate

      1. less and less : 越来越少;

      2. any the less : 更少/更小一些;

      3. none the less : 依然;

      4. no less a person than : 身分不低于;

      5. no less than : 不少于;



  •       The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year.
  •       He has less money than ever.
  •       I received less money than the others did.
  •       The doctor advises me to eat less meat.
  •       Statistics show that people now drink less beer than they used to, and smoke fewer cigarettes.
  •       I love the country, but I have less opportunity of seeing it.
  •       He was reading hard and had less spare time
  •       Less people go to church than before.
  •       Less noise, please!
  •       It cost less money than I expected.
  •       The movie had less success than expected.
  •       We got there in less than four hours.
  •       Less people study Latin today than formerly.


  •       Nothing in this shop is less than £10.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作副词 (adv.)

  •       19 is less than 20.

    出自:Joseph Harris
  •       And then the sighs he would suppress..grew less and less.

  •       Their number was less than ten.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  •       词语用法

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  •       less是little的比较级,基本意思是“较少的,更少的”,指物体的体积或分量相对于别的物体少。
  •       less多用来修饰不可数名词,但当名词前有数词或a few等修饰时,其后可接可数名词;在把时间、距离、金钱等短语看作是一个整体时, less可用来修饰可数名词;在有些短语中,说话人着眼于有关事物的大约的量,而不去细算精确的数额时, less可用来修饰可数名词;用在感叹句中, less后可接可数名词。
  •       由no less than连接的两个成分,其强势总是落在前面一个。


  •       less用作副词时的意思是“较少,更少,少”,可用来修饰动词、形容词或副词。
  •       less有时用在某些形容词前并无比较的意思,只是为了避免使用不大文雅的词语而采用的委婉说法,且less一般不可用于形容词的比较级前。
  •       much〔still〕 less短语多半用于否定结构,用于肯定结构时,则须改用much〔still〕 more。


less, lesser
  •       这两个词都是little的比较级。其区别是:
  •       1.less通常表示体积大小或者分量轻重;而lesser是正式用语,与价值或者重要性有关。例如:
  •       As far as I know, he was a lesser writer.据我所知,他是个次要作家。
  •       2.lesser不可与than连用,且lesser在句中一般只能用作定语。
  •       3.less可用作副词,而lesser则很少这样用。
  •       adv.(副词)

    not less than, not less...than
  •       这两个短语在写法上很相似,但表达的意思却不同。not less than是“不少于”,多半用来作数量的比较。例如:
  •       There were not less than 50 members present at the meeting.出席会议的至少有50人。
  •       not less...than表示“不比…差”,多半用作程度的比较。例如:
  •       This tool-machine is not less useful than that one.这台机床使用起来不比那台差。
  •       adj.(形容词)


            误 She spent fewer time reading the text than I did.

            正 She spent less time reading the text than I did.

            析 fewer和less都表示“更少”的意思,但fewer只可以修饰可数名词,如修饰不可数名词则要用less。


            误 He was less than thirty, but he was ruined.

            正 He was under thirty, but he was ruined.

            析 表示“不到多少岁”,英语习惯用under,而不用less than。



            误 Of the two suits,I took the least expensive one.

            正 Of the two suits,I took the less expensive one.

            析 在两个人或事物之间只能使用比较级,而不能使用最高级。


            误 It is less colder than it was yesterday.

            正 It is less cold than it was yesterday.

            析 less不可用在形容词的比较级前。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的lassa,意为少的。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.less

          When involved in deliberate play activities, children are less concerned with the outcome of their outcome of their behavior.

          当孩子们刻意参加游戏活动时, 他们对行为的结果就不那么关心了。


          高考真题例句OG 2.less

          When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future.

          当这种情况发生时, 人们将来就不太可能去做志愿者了。


          高考真题例句OG 3.less

          Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team, some players may make less effort.

          另一种可能是, 当一支球队中人才济济时, 一些球员可能会付出更少的努力。


          高考真题例句OG 4.less

          They are less frequently visited.



          高考真题例句OG 5.less

          In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates.

          在棒球比赛中, 单个球员的表现对队友的依赖性较小。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The roads should be less crowded today.(今天路上该不那么拥挤了吧。)

          He lost by less than one second.(他以不到一秒钟的差距输了比赛。)

          I couldn't care less about the woman.(我才不在乎那个女人呢。)

          Let's go somewhere a little less public.(咱们找一个僻静些的地方吧。)

          It was nothing less than a disaster.(这简直就是一场灾难。)

          These files have been zipped up to take up less disk space so they take less time to download.(这些文件已被压缩以占用更少的磁盘空间,这样它们需要更短的时间下载。)

          I've more or less finished the book.(我差不多已经读完这本书了。)

          It has 25 calories less than ordinary ice cream.(它的热量比普通的冰淇淋少25卡路里。)

          I eat lots less than I used to.(我比以前吃得少多了。)

          Her greeting was less than enthusiastic.(她打招呼根本不热情。)

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          less是什么意思 less在线翻译 less什么意思 less的意思 less的翻译 less的解释 less的发音 less的同义词
