


      英 [ˈvetrənəri]

      美 [ˈvetərəneri]



      名词复数: veterinaries


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      1. a doctor who practices veterinary medicine

      Synonym: veterinarianveterinary surgeonvet


      1. of or relating to veterinarians or veterinary medicine

      1. 兽医的
      Veterinary is used to describe the work of a person whose job is to treat sick or injured animals, or to describe the medical treatment of animals.

      e.g. It was decided that our veterinary screening of horses at events should be continued.

      1. veterinary的反义词

      1. 兽医:兽医(VETERINARY) 这是1项对抗马及动物同伴最有用地技能,它能医治您地动物让他们恢复健康. 而我们通常都需要兽医所拥有地实力.  

      2. 兽医(的):protuberances 小隆起物 | veterinary 兽医的 | bovine 牛的

      3. veterinary的近义词

      3. 兽医学:林业工程学 Forestry Engineering $129 | 兽医学 Veterinary $167 | 牲畜养殖资格证书 Certificate in Cattle Production $129

      4. 动物治疗 用绷带帮动物治疗:Wrestling空手搏击双手万能!不用武器来攻击 | Veterinary动物治疗用绷带帮动物治疗 | Actions

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Farm Sanctuary's Emergency Rescue Team stepped in, rushing him to a veterinary hospital.(来自农场避难所的紧急救援队插手进来,把他送到了兽医院。)

      Assisting senior veterinary staff in devising disease control and public health strategies.(帮助高级兽医人员制定疾病防治和公共卫生战略。)

      Most of this difference comes from significantly more spending on veterinary services.(主要的不同之处来自于宠物服务的开销上。)

      The project will also create opportunities for the private veterinary sector.(项目还将为私营兽医部门创造机会。)

      Continuing education of health and veterinary professionals in rabies prevention and control; and.(继续向卫生专业人员和兽医提供狂犬病预防和控制培训;以及。)

      In Sweden, they say, 'Let's call the veterinary authorities.(在瑞典,他们会说,'让我们叫兽医来。')

      Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice.(学生应有兽医工作的经验。)

      Maathai was also the first woman professor the University of Nairobi, where she taught veterinary medicine.(她也是第一个内罗比大学的女教授,她在大学里教授动物医学。)

      Use it to record your pet's veterinary contacts, vaccinations, identification tags, medical conditions and medication.(用它来记录你宠物的医生联系,预防接种,狗牌,医疗条件和药物。)

      Eight months later, Bonnie traveled again from Wyoming to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.(8个月后,邦妮再一次从俄怀明来到我们医院。)

      veterinary是什么意思 veterinary在线翻译 veterinary什么意思 veterinary的意思 veterinary的翻译 veterinary的解释 veterinary的发音 veterinary的同义词
