


      英 [pəˈsweɪʒn]

      美 [pərˈsweɪʒn]




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  •       说服
  •       信仰
  •       信念
  •       说服力
  •       教派
  •       劝说
  •       种类
  •       类别
  •       劝导
  •       劝说的话
  •       确信
  •       信条
  •       人种
  •       阶级
  •       国籍


  •       [U]劝说;说服(力) persuading
  •       [C]信仰 belief



      1. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty

      e.g. my opinion differs from yours
      I am not of your persuasion
      what are your thoughts on Haiti?

      Synonym: opinionsentimentviewthought

      2. the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade)
      communication intended to induce belief or action

      Synonym: suasion

      1. 说服;劝说
      Persuasion is the act of persuading someone to do something or to believe that something is true.

      e.g. Only after much persuasion from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at all...
      e.g. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce the Griffins to remain in Rollway.

      2. 信仰;信念
      If you are of a particular persuasion, you have a particular belief or set of beliefs.

      e.g. It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions...
      e.g. Fortunately for me, my kids are of the persuasion that their failings are of their own making.

      1. (劝导):与此前问世的<>(Sense and Sensibility)、<>(Emma)、<>(Persuasion)和<>(Mansfield Park)相类似,它对十九世纪初的英国社会也做出许多新颖、严肃的阐释.

      2. 劝服:英国导演罗杰米契尔(Roger Mich#ll)1956年出生於南非,1995年改编知名英国女作家珍奥斯汀的小说作品<>(Persuasion),获得英国影艺学院最佳电视剧奖.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       He decided to leave only after much persuasion.
  •       There is still time to win him back by gentle persuasion.
  •       It is my persuasion that truth will triumph in the end.
  •       By force or persuasion, he gained over to his side the Princes of Aquitaine.

    出自:E. A. Freeman
  •       The full cogency of their persuasions.

  •       Backgrounding the intellectual propositions and foregrounding the moral persuasions of religion.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  •       His is always the voice of persuasion, not strident condemnation.

    出自:Scots Magazine
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      All our persuasion was of no use.(我们所有的劝告都无用。)

      Persuasion tip: Be the first to give.(说服窍门:先给予。)

      It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.(这是利用电视作为劝导方式的一个实例。)

      You vastly overrate your powers of persuasion.(你太过高估了自己的说服力。)

      Her powers of persuasion were to no avail.(她的说服力没有起到作用。)

      Not that Blair needed all that much persuasion.(布莱尔不需要更多的说服。)

      This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.(这样的劝导,不是出于那召你们的。)

      The key to success is persuasion.(成功的关键是说服。)

      Jobs was said by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a "reality distortion field", such were his powers of persuasion.(苹果公司早期的一位工程师曾说过,乔布斯释放出一种“现实扭曲场”,这就是他的说服力。)

      Now he turned his powers of persuasion on Thompson.(如今他又极力劝说汤普森。)

      persuasion是什么意思 persuasion在线翻译 persuasion什么意思 persuasion的意思 persuasion的翻译 persuasion的解释 persuasion的发音 persuasion的同义词
