资讯科技处:Information Technology Department
资讯及转介/刑事辅导组:Information & Referral/Panel Counselling Section
资询,顾问委员会:advisory committee
资信状况:credit standing
资信调查:credit information
资遣费:Severance Pay
资料公开的要求:disclosure requirements
资料备忘录:Information memorandum
资金状况:capital position
资金周转,资本周转:capital turnover
资金重估:revaluation of asset
资金运用账户:accounts of applications of funds
资金收支表:charge and discharge statement
资金市场:Capital market
资金融通:fund financing
资金流转分析:flow of funds analysis
资金流量分析:cash flow analysis,flow-of-fund analysis,funds flow analysis
资金流动:capital flow
资金来源账户:accounts of sources of funds
资金捐献:contribution of funds
资金汇划:fund remittance and transfer
资金回收:formula for the recovery of funds
资金划拨:Fund transfer
资金短缺:shortage of funds
资金的运用:operation of capital
资格数据库:Qualifications inventories
资格股:Qualification share
资产租赁:capital lease
资产状况变动报告:report of changes in assets condition
资产周转比率:assets turnover ratio
资产重组:asset reorganization
资产重估:asset re-evaluation
资产支持型融资:asset-backed financing
资产折旧幅度:asset(s)depreciation range
资产账户:assets accounts
资产帐户:assets account
资产特点:asset specificity
资产损失:assets loss
资产寿命:life of assets
资产收益:Asset Return
资产清查:general checkup on assets
资产评估理论:theory of asset appraisal
资产盘盈:Asset inventory surplus
资产盘亏:Asset inventory shorts
资产阶级自由化:Capitalism freedom
资产加负债等于所有者权益:Assets + Liability = Owner's Equity
资产回报(率):Return on asset