
恒星英语学习网 2017年01月30日

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      1. highlight

      n.      (图画或照片的)强光部份;最重要的事情;最精彩的部分;

      vt.    强调,突出;把…照亮;标示记号;为…中最突出的事物;

      [例句]Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless.


      2. hysterical

      adj.  癔病性;歇斯底里般的;癔病的;情绪异常激动的;

      [例句]Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him.


      3. hint

      n.      暗示;线索,迹象;提示,注意事项;微量;

      v.      暗示,提示;

      [例句]The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers.


      4. hedge

      n.      树篱;保护手段;防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段;

      vt.    用树篱围起;受…的束缚;回避,避免;

      [例句]You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance.


      5. hold

      vt.    容纳;拿住,握住;保留,保存;扣留,拘押;

      vi.     拿住,握住;同意,赞成;保持不变;有效;

      n.      握住;保留;控制;

      [例句]Hold the knife at an angle.


      6. homogeneous

      adj.  均匀的;同性质的,同类的;由相同(或同类型)事物(或人)组成的;[数]齐性的,齐次的;

      [例句]The unemployed are not a homogeneous group.


      7. haste

      n.      匆忙,急忙;急速,紧迫;轻率;

      v.      赶紧,匆忙;<古>使快,催促;

      [例句]In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.


      8. hostile

      adj.  怀有敌意的;敌人的,敌对的;不利的;

      n.      敌方;敌对者,敌对物;

      [例句]Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.


      9. hamper

      vt.    妨碍,束缚,限制;使困累;

      n.      (有盖的)大篮子;阻碍物,足械;[航]船具;

      [例句]The bad weather hampered rescue operations.


      10. identical

      adj.  同一的;完全同样的,相同的;恒等的;同卵的;

      n.      完全相同的事物;同卵双胞;

      [例句]Nearly all the houses were identical.


      11. idle

      adj.  空闲的;无意义的;懒惰的;无根据的;

      vi.     空转;虚度;挂空挡;未熄火;

      vt.    虚度;使空转;

      [例句]Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.


      12. ignite

      vt.    点燃;使燃烧;使激动;使灼热;

      vi.     点火;燃烧;

      [例句]The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses.


      13. ignore

      vt.    忽视,不顾;[法律]驳回(诉讼);

      [例句]She said her husband ignored her.


      14. illuminate

      vt.    照亮,照明;阐明,说明;装饰;使灿烂;

      vi.     照亮;

      [例句]No streetlights illuminated the street.


      15. illustrate

      vt.    说明;表明;给…加插图;(用示例、图画等)说明;

      vi.     举例说明;

      [例句]The example of the United States illustrates this point.

