
恒星英语学习网 2017年02月07日

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      1. infer

      vt.    推断;猜想,推理;暗示;意指;

      vi.     作出推论;

      [例句]I inferred from what she said that you have not been well.


      2. ingenious

      adj.  精巧的;灵巧的;设计独特的;有天才的,聪明的;

      [例句]Gautier's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.


      3. initiate

      vt.    开始,发起;传授;创始,开辟;接纳新成员;

      n.     新加入某组织(或机构、宗教)的人,新入会的人;被传授初步知识的人;

      adj.  被传授初步知识的;新入会的;

      [例句]They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.


      4. innovate

      vi.     改革,创新;

      vt.    引入(新事物、思想或方法),;

      [例句]It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories.


      5. inquire

      vt.    打听,询问;查究;

      [例句]Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.


      6. insert

      vt.    插入;嵌入;(在文章中)添加;加插;

      n.     插入物;添入物(尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图);(书报的)插页;添加物;

      [例句]He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.


      7. inspire

      vt.    激励;鼓舞;启迪;赋予灵感;

      vi.     吸,吸入;

      [例句]These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes!


      8. instant

      n.      瞬间,顷刻;此刻;当月;速食食品,即溶饮料;

      adj.  立即的;迫切的;正在考虑的,目前的;即食的;

      [例句]For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.


      9. institute

      vt.    建立;制定;开始;着手;

      n.     学院;协会;学会;(教育、专业等)机构;

      [例句]Directly in front of the institute is Kelly Ingram Park.


      10. insulate

      vt.    使隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热;

      [例句]They wonder if their community is no longer insulated from big city problems.


      11. insult

      vt.    辱骂;侮辱,凌辱;损害;

      n.     侮辱,凌辱;损害;无礼;

      [例句]I did not mean to insult you.


      12. insure

      vt.    确保;保证;投保;为…保险;

      vi.     买卖或卖保险;

      [例句]For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car.


      13. intact

      adj.  完好无损;原封不动的;完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的;完好无缺;

      [例句]Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion.


      14. integrate

      vt.    使一体化;使整合;使完整;使结合成为整体;

      vi.     成为一体;结合在一起;合并;[数学]作积分运算;

      adj.  整体的;完整的;完全的;综合的;

      [例句]He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.


      15. interfere

      vi.     干预,干涉;调停,排解;妨碍,打扰;

      [例句]I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.

