
恒星英语学习网 2017年05月03日

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      1. random

      adj.   随机的;任意的;胡乱的;

      n.      随意;偶然的行动;

      [例句]The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales.


      2. range

      n.     范围;射程;类别;(山脉,房屋等的)排列;

      vi.     搜索;变化;延伸;漫游;

      vt.    排列;(按一定位置或顺序)排序;把…分类;徘徊;

      [例句]A wide range of colours and patterns are available.


      3. rank

      n.     军衔;阶层,等级;次序,顺序;行列;

      vt.    排列,使成横排;把…分类;超过,高于;把…分等级;

      [例句]He eventually rose to the rank of captain.


      4. rate

      n.      速度;比率;等级;(利息等的)费率;

      vt.     估价;值得;责骂;定级;认为,把…算作;

      [例句]The rate at which hair grows can be agonisingly slow.


      5. reap

      vt.    收割;获得;得到(报偿);

      [例句]You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.


      6. rear

      vt.     饲养;养育;抚养;养育;抬起;

      n.      后部,背面,背后;臀部;(舰队或军队的)后方,后尾,殿后部队;〈英口〉厕所;

      [例句]He settled back in the rear of the taxi.


      7. recall

      vt.     叫回,召回;使想起,回想;取消;调回工厂;

      n.      罢免;召回,唤回;记忆力,回想;收回通告;

      [例句]Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington.


      8. reciprocal

      adj.   互惠的;倒数的;相互的;

      n.      倒数;互相关联的事物;

      [例句]They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.


      9. reckon

      vt.    认为;计算;测算,估计;评定,断定;

      vi.     估计;计算;猜想;料想;

      [例句]Toni reckoned that it must be about three o'clock.


      10. reclaim

      vt.    取回;开拓,开垦;感化;沙化;

      n.      改造,感化;教化;回收再利用;收回,取回;

      [例句]In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.


      11. recognize

      vt.    承认;识别;认出;

      vi.     承认,确认;[法律]具结,立保证书;

      [例句]The receptionist recognized him at once.


      12. recollect

      vt.    记起,想起;

      v.      想起;回想,追忆,回忆,记忆;使(自己)想起一时忘掉的事;想到;

      [例句]Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital.


      13. recommend

      vt.    推荐;劝告;使显得吸引人;托付;

      vi.     推荐;建议;

      [例句]I have just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to anyone.


      14. reconcile

      vt.    使和好,使和解;调停,排解(争端等);[宗]使(场所等)洁净;[船]使(木板)接缝平滑;

      [例句]It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father.


      15. recover

      vt.    恢复;找回;重新获得;<正>恢复(适当的状态或位置);

      vi.     恢复健康(体力、能力等);

      n.      恢复开始时姿势;

      [例句]He is recovering from a knee injury.

