英语初级口语 (mp3+lrc字幕)Lesson30

恒星英语学习网 2009年11月23日

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]Lesson 30  Text A
      [00:07.18]The Bloody Thumb
      [00:09.93]I met the old man at a cafe.I was a stranger in the town.
      [00:14.97]"Did you hear the radio news yesterday?"he asked me.
      [00:19.12]"I didn't,"I said."Was there anything exciting?"
      [00:23.56]"Exciting,no!It was important to me-and very,very sad.
      [00:29.96]A pack ofhungry dogs killed aqnd ate my best friend."
      [00:34.64]"Oh dear!"I cried."I am sorry.How did it happen?"
      [00:39.89]"He was working in his olive grove on the hillside.
      [00:44.30]The pack attacked him there.We'll never know all the facts,of course.
      [00:49.76]When he didn't return,I went to the grow and-""You found the body?I asked.
      [00:56.69]The old fellow drank half his coffee."The body?"he repeated.
      [01:02.51]"No,no.I said they were hungry dogs,didn't I?
      [01:06.53]The big bones were lying here and there in the grove.
      [01:10.43]But I found this-"He pushed open a matchbox which he was holding in his hand.
      [01:16.96]The box contained a man's thumb.It was lying on some white,bloody material.
      [01:23.98]There was a cut-an old cut-on the thumb nail.
      [01:28.29]"See that cut,"the man said."I recognised it.This is my friend's right thumb.The dogs ate the rest of him!"
      [01:38.30]The old man began to cry then.He finished his coffee quickly and left teh cafe.
      [01:44.31]I drank mine and calld teh waiter."I'll pay the gentleman's bill,I said."Please don't trouble him with it.
      [01:51.12]His poor friend-how awful!You've heard the news?"
      [01:58.13]The waiter laughd,"Yes.There's a hole in the bottom of the matchbox.
      [02:03.45]He purts his own thumb through the hole.The 'blood'is red ink,I believe.
      [02:09.46]Is the story worth a cup of coffee,sir?"
      [02:13.49]Text B The Party
      [02:18.40]Claire Walton is working at home on a Sunday afternoon.
      [02:22.94]The phone rings.It is an old friend.
      [02:28.45]Mick:Hello,Claire,This is Mick.
      [02:31.20]Claire:Mick!Nice to hear from you again.How are you?
      [02:34.75]Mick:Fine,thinks.And you?
      [02:36.89]Claire:Oh,not so bad.I've been vety busy,but I'm going away on holiday soon.
      [02:42.53]Mick:Good.Listen.I'm phoning because I want to invite you to a party.At our new hous.And..
      [02:50.11]Claire:New house?Really?
      [02:51.91]Mick:Yes.We've moved.That's why we're giving the party.Can you come?
      [02:56.82]Claire:Well,that depends.When is it?
      [02:59.70]Mick:This Saturday evening.
      [03:01.73]Claire:Well..I'm going away on Sunday morning.Very early.
      [03:06.15]Will the party go on very late?
      [03:08.94]Mick:Until two in the morning.But you don't have to stay that long.Well?What about it?
      [03:15.08]Claire:All right.I'll come.But I'd like to bring a present.
      [03:19.29]Something for your new house.What would you like?
      [03:22.87]Mick:Nothing,I mean.don't bring anything.It isn't neces-sary.
      [03:27.62]Claire:But I'd still like...
      [03:29.66]Mick:Just bring yourself!I'm looking forward to seeing you again.It's been a long time!
      [03:34.49]Claire:Yes,it has.I'm looking forward to seeing you,too.
      [03:38.54]And your new house.Uh...when does the partty start?
      [03:43.32]Mick:Come any time after eight.All right?
      [03:46.46]Claire:Yes,Oh,by the w...
      [03:48.96]Mick:Bye!See you on Saturday evening.
      [03:51.11]Claire:Wait a moment,Mick.You haven't...Mick?Are you still there?
      [03:55.68]You haven't given me your new adress.Hello?Mick?Hello?
      [04:06.96]7.Read the following passage once.
      [04:12.00]Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.
      [04:18.66]There Are Some Things.You Can't Get Away Without.
      [04:22.97]I have a confession to make, and the sooner it gets outin the open,
      [04:29.64]the better I'Il feel about it. I don't drive a car.
      [04:34.73]Americans are broad-minded people.
      [04:39.09]They'11 accept the fact that a person can be an alcoholic, a dope fiend, a wife beater,
      [04:47.48]and even a newspaperman,but if a man doesn't drive the reis sotmething wrong with him.
      [04:54.53]Through the years I'va tound it very embarraasing to admit it to anyone,
      [05:01.53]and my best friends tend to view me with suspicion and contempt.
      [05:06.94]But where I really run into trouble is when I go into a store and try to make a purchase with a check.
      [05:15.43]It happened again last week when I went to a discount house at a large shopping center in Maryland.
      [05:24.70]I wanted to buy a portable typewriter,
      [05:28.59]and the salesman was very helpful about showing me the different models.
      [05:34.42]I decided on one,and then I said,"May I write out a personal check?"
      [05:41.45]"Naturally," he said kindly."Do you have any identification?"
      [05:46.70]"Of course," I said.
      [05:49.10]I produced an American Express credit card,a Diner's Club credit card,a Bell Telephone credit card,
      [05:57.67]and my pass to the White House.
      [06:00.31]The man inspected them all and then said,"Where's your driver's license?"
      [06:07.28]"I don' t have one,"I replied.
      [06:10.05]"Did you lose it?"
      [06:11.91]"No, I didn't lose it. I don't drive a car."
      [06:16.16]He pushed a button under the cash register,and suddenly a floor manager came rushing over.
      [06:24.10]The salesman had now become surly."This guy' s trying to cash a check,
      [06:30.74]and he doesn't have a driver's license.Should I call the store detective?"
      [06:35.62]"Wait a minute. I'll talk to him,"the manager said.
      [06:40.72]"Did you lose your driver's license for some traffic offense?"
      [06:44.79]"No, I've never driven.I don't like to drive."
      [06:49.39]"Nobody likes to drive,"the floor manager shouted."That' s no excuse.
      [06:55.29]Why are you trying to cash a check if you don't have a driver's license?"
      [06:59.84]"I thought all the other identification was good enough," I explained.
      [07:05.72]By this time the president of the store had arrived on the scene.
      [07:11.39]Fortunately, he recognized my name and okayed the check.
      [07:16.82]He was very embarrassedby the treatment I had received and said,"Come on,I' llbuy you a drink."
      [07:25.23]"I forgot to tell you,"! said."I don't drink either."
      [07:29.67]This was too much, even for him and he pushed me toward the door.
