英语初级口语 (mp3+lrc字幕)Lesson40

恒星英语学习网 2009年11月24日

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]Lesson 40 Text A
      [00:12.59]Learn to Eat like a Grown-up
      [00:15.86]MOTHER:  The table' s laid. Come along, both of you, and let us begin.
      [00:21.50]FATHER:  I'm ready;I feel quite hungry.
      [00:25.57]CHRIS:  So am I; I could eat a horse1.
      [00:30.48]MOTHER:  Well, we haven't got a horse for you, but what we have got is quite nice.
      [00:36.73]Sit there and see how well you can behave.
      [00:41.20]Remernber you're getting quite a big boy and must learn to eat like a grown-up.
      [00:47.67]CHRIS:  Does that mean that I can eat more?
      [00:50.63]MOTHER:  We want you tomake a good meal,
      [00:53.71]though wedon't wan you to stuff yourself Your-place-has been laid just like ours.
      [01:00.00]CHRIS:  What's this little plate for?
      [01:02.28]MOTHER:  That' s for your bread. Most people eat a little bread with their meat and vegetables.
      [01:09.43]CHRIS:  Mother, arch' t you going to cut my meat up for me any more?
      [01:13.53]MOTHER:  No, I' m not. We have put a knife and'fork for you and you must learn how to use them.
      [01:21.63]Here is your meat; help yourself to vegetables from the dish Don't take more than you can eat.
      [01:29.97]CHRIS:All right,Mother;may I take some mustard?
      [01:33.41]FATHER:You may,but I don't think you'll like it.
      [01:37.36]You'll find it hot.Now sit up properly;dont't lean back and don't lean too far forward.
      [01:45.53]MOTHER:And take your elbows off the table-cloth.
      [01:48.36]FATHER:And don't take too much on your fork.You shouldn't open your mouth wide at meals.
      [01:54.44]MOTHER:Don't make a noise when you are eating.
      [01:57.58]CHRIS:Good gracious!I think it would be better if I took my plate away to the nursery.
      [02:03.22]I shan't be ableto eat at all if I try to remember all those things.
      [02:08.47]FATHER:Stay where you are.You'll soon learn.(Chris begins to eat;he puts some vegetables into his mouth with his knife.)
      [02:12.18]MOTHER:What are you doing?Don't you know that you must never put you knife into your mouth?
      [02:18.58]CHRIS:But why,Mummy?It's easier like that sometimes.
      [02:22.65]FATHER:You might cut your mouth.Do you want to make your mouth bigger than it is?Use your fork.
      [02:29.50]CHRIS:No,I don't.But I might prick my tongue with the points of my fork.
      [02:35.48]FATHER:Well,you must learn not to.
      [02:38.75]MOTHER:There,leave the lad alone.He'll soon learn.Have you finished,dear?
      [02:44.99]Lay your knife and fork on you plate.
      [02:48.54]No,don't cross them.
      [02:50.97]Put the handles towards you.
      [02:53.56]FATHER:Now,here come the sweets.Here's your plate.
      [02:57.61]Use that spoon and fork;use your fork more than your spoon.
      [03:03.48]CHRIS:But why?Isn't it polite to use the spoon?
      [03:07.69]MOTHER:Of course it is,but most people use the fork more than the spoon.Use the spoon when you have to.
      [03:16.13]CHRIS:You mean for eating very soft stuff?
      [03:19.05]MOTHER:That's right.Why,you haven't drunk any water!(Chris drinks some water and puts his glass down on the left of his plate.)
      [03:24.20]FATHER:Not ther.On your ringt.
      [03:27.36]CHRIS:But why?
      [03:29.19]FATHER:Beacause it is nearer to your ringt hand.It's handier there.
      [03:33.76]CHRIS:All right,Dad.There seems to be a great deal to learn.Give me some more pudding,Mother.
      [03:40.81]MOTHER:"Give me"doesn't get;say,"Please may I have?"
      [03:46.38]CHRIS:Please my I have some more pudding?
      [03:49.38]MOTHER:Here you are.What's that I see?Dirty hands?See that you don't come to table with dirty hands again.
      [03:58.89]FATHER:And brush your hair next time you come.
      [04:01.92]CHRIS:I'll try to remember.But you mustn't expect me to learn everything at once.May I get down now?
      [04:09.68]MOTHER:Very well.Run along.
      [04:14.12]Text B A Red Cross Nurse
      [04:19.58]Mary wanted to be a nurse when she left school,but in the meantime,she joined the Red Cross and had some limited training.
      [04:30.99]She was taught that,in case of an accident--and they were plentiful in her town--
      [04:37.89]she should give first aid at once and then send for a doctor.
      [04:43.40]One day,there was an accident in a busy street,and when Mary arrived soon after,
      [04:52.21]she saw a man bending over a woman who had been accidentally knocked down by a car
      [04:58.34]and was lying motionless in the street.
      [05:02.00]Mary ran up,pushed the man away,informed the crowd that she was a Red Cross nurse
      [05:10.49]and began to help the wounded woman.
      [05:13.78]After a few minuted,the man who had been bending over the woman when Mary arrived
      [05:21.20]touched her on the shoulder and said,
      [05:24.02]"When you reach the part avout sending for a doctor,don't worry.I'm here already."
      [05:32.49]7.Read the following passage once.
      [05:38.44]Underline the key words while reading and retell the passage to your partner.
      [05:45.39]We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves politely and is kind and helpful to others.
      [05:55.21]Everyone likes a person with good manners but no one likes a person with bad manners.
      [06:02.21]"Yes,"you may say,"but what are good manners?
      [06:02.21]How does one know what to do and what not to do?"
      [06:06.63]Well,here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.
      [06:14.70]He never laughs at people when they are in trouble.
      [06:19.19]Instead,he tries to help them.
      [06:22.85]He is always kind,never cruel,to people.
      [06:27.60]When people are waiting for a bus,or in a post office,he takes his turn.
      [06:34.68]He does not push to the front line of the queue.
      [06:38.60]In the vus he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing.
      [06:45.86]If he accidentally bumps into someone,or gets in their way,he says"Excuse me"or "I'm sorry".
      [06:56.10]He says"Please"when he makes a request,and"Thank you"when he receives something.
      [07:05.33]He stands up when he is speaking to a lady or an older person,he does not sit down until the other person is seated.
      [07:15.62]He does not interrupt other people when they are talking.
      [07:19.88]He does not talk too much himself.
      [07:23.43]He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public.
      [07:28.37]When he is eating he does not speak with his mouth full of food.
