英语初级口语对话正常语速06: Mari's 最喜爱的食物 (MP3+lrc)

恒星英语学习网 2017年02月19日

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      英语初级口语对话正常语速06:Mari's Favorite Foods    
      Ron: Hi, I'm Ron from Hawaii. I'm here with Mari from Japan. Today we're gonna be talking about food. So Mari, what's your favorite cuisine?

      Mari: I think I like American food.
      Mari: 我想是美国食物。

      Ron: What type of American food?

      Mari: I like hamburgers.
      Mari: 我喜欢汉堡包。

      Ron: Hamburgers. Is that your favorite dish as well?

      Mari: That is my favorite dish. My favorite hamburger place is right near where I went to university and they have this hamburger called the Danish Burger, and the Danish Burger has blue cheese inside the hamburger, so I love ... my favorite dish has to be the Danish Burger.

      Ron: Do you like any side things like french fries with your hamburger?

      Mari: I love french fries but I know that eating hamburger and french fries is a little bit unhealthy so I always replace the french fries for a salad.

      Ron: A salad. OK. What about dessert? What's your favorite dessert?
      Ron: 一个沙拉,好的,甜点呢?你最喜欢的甜点是什么啊?

      Mari: My favorite dessert has to be chocolate cake.
      Mari: 我最喜欢的甜点就是巧克力蛋糕。

      Ron: Chocolate cake. Anything else? Do you like to eat it with anything?

      Mari: No, I like chocolate cake by itself. Anything else? I like brownie sundaes, like brownies and choc ... brownies with vanilla ice-cream. I guess my favorite dessert is anything chocolaty.
      Mari:不,我就喜欢巧克力蛋糕, 其他的,我喜欢巧克力圣代冰淇淋。比如巧克力香草冰淇淋。我想我的最爱就是含有巧克力的。

      Ron: Sounds good. So before you said you like to eat a salad. What type of salad, what type of vegetables do you like?

      Mari: I like all vegetables. I like them cooked or raw but I don't like raw onions.
      Mari: 我喜欢所有的蔬菜,煮的生的都喜欢,但是我不喜欢生洋葱。

      Ron: Not raw onions.

      Mari: I really can't eat onions raw. That's probably the only vegetable I can't eat raw.

      Ron: That's interesting. Thanks Mari.



      What's your favorite cuisine?

      'Cuisine' talks about a style of cooking or kinds of food from different countries.  Note the following:

      Thai cuisine is too spicy for me.
      I prefer Italian to French cuisine.

      side things

      Do you like any side things like french fries with your hamburger?


      A side thing or side dish is a small amount of food serverd with the main course.  Note the following:

      I never order side things like fries, just burgers.

      The set includes side things like soup and salad.


      I always replace the french fries for a salad.

      At a restaurant we can sometimes change one dish for another.  Note the following:

      Can I replace the soup with a salad?

      It's time to replace the battery in my watch.

      has to be

      My favorite dessert has to be chocolate cake.

      'Has to be' is simlar in meaning to 'must be'.  Note the following:
      ‘Has to be'的意思和‘must be’相似,注意以下事项:

      The greatest golfer ever has to be Tiger Woods.

      Whoa!  It has to be the hottest day of the year.


      I really can't eat onions raw.

      'Raw' means not cooked.  Note the following:

      Sushi is basically raw fish.

      Raw vegetables are healthier than cooked vegetables.
