
恒星英语学习网 2017年02月18日

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      英语初级口语对话正常语速07:Ron's Favorite Foods 

      Mari: Hi, I'm Mari. I'm here with my friend Ron. Today, we're talking about food. So Ron, what's your favorite cuisine?

      Ron: My favorite cuisine has to be Hawaiian food. I grew up eating Hawaiian food so every special occasion we had Hawaiian food, so now when I eat Hawaiian food, it always brings back good memories.

      Mari: What exactly is Hawaiian food?

      Ron: Traditional Hawaiian food is usually cooked under the ground in a hole with hot rocks and it cooks for maybe six hours or seven hours and when you take it out, it's very salty because we use a lot of salt and it tastes really good ... usually meat ... usually pork and other vegetables like taro and potato.

      Mari: So then what's your favorite Hawaiian dish?
      Mari: 那你最喜欢的夏威夷菜是什么呢?

      Ron: My favorite Hawaiian dish is called Lao-Lao. It's pork or fish wrapped in leaves and put inside the underground oven and it's very salty and very good.
      Ron: 我最喜欢的夏威夷菜叫做Lao-Lao。用叶子把鱼或肉包好,放入地下的炉灶中。味道非常咸,但好吃。

      Mari: So the flavor is just salt?

      Ron: The flavor is salt and also the leaf flavor that it's wrapped in.

      Mari: What's your favorite dessert or junk food?

      Ron: My favorite dessert has to be cake and ice-cream together. I love to eat cake and ice-cream together.

      Mari: What's your favorite ice-cream flavor?
      Mari: 你最喜欢什么口味的冰淇淋?

      Ron: My favorite ice-cream flavor is strawberry, and I like to eat that with chocolate cake.

      Mari: Mm, sounds good. Do you like vegetables?

      Ron: Not so much. I don't like to eat vegetables but I can eat them if somebody cooks them for me.

      Mari: What's your favorite vegetable?

      Ron: My favorite vegetable ... I don't have a favorite vegetable but I can eat vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, carrots. Those types of things.

      Mari: Do you eat your vegetables raw ... like salad ... or do you prefer them cooked?
      Mari: 你会生吃蔬菜,比如沙拉。。。还是倾向于煮熟的呢?

      Ron: I prefer them cooked.
      Ron: 我喜欢煮熟的。

      Mari: Thanks Ron.

      Ron: You're welcome.


      special occasion

      Every special occasion we had Hawaiian food.

      A special occasion can be an important event, holiday, or ceremony.  Note the following:

      I only wear a suit on special occasions.

      My father serves wine only on special occasions.

      bring back good memories

      It always brings back good memories.

      We 'bring back good memories' when we think about good things or happy times from the past.  Note the following:
      当我们想念一些事情时或者是快乐时光,总能引起过去的美好回忆。 注意一下事项:

      Pop music from the 80's always brings back good memories.

      The phone album brought back good memories.


      We put it inside the underground oven.

      We use the word 'underground'  to talk about things below the surface of the earth.  Note the following:

      We took the underground train.

      They are building a new shopping mall underground.


      There is the leaf that it's wrapped in.

      When we wrap something, we fold paper, cloth, or in this case leaves around it.  Note the following:

      We wrapped the baby in a blanket to keep it warm.

      The gift was wrapped in gold paper.


      I prefer them cooked.

      'Prefer' means 'like'.  We often use it to compare two things.  Note the following:

      We prefer group work to individual activities.

      I prefer to sleep on a futon. Beds tend sometimes hurt my back.
