
恒星英语学习网 2017年04月06日

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      unit 59


      Boy:Can I borrow your CDs for our school dance?

      Girl:Oh, you don't ask much do you?

      Boy:I promise I will personally guard every single one and they will come back in perfect condition.

      Girl:I'll tell you what. Your class can rent them from me for the night and buy back any damaged ones.

      Boy:That sounds fair. That's still cheaper than paying a band to come play for us.

      Girl:Not as fun though. A live band is way more exciting!

      Boy:Our class doesn't have enough money. We already checked into it.

      Girl:Let me know with your next dance. I know a band that may give you a break for the publicity.

      promise v. 保证
      guard v. 保管
      condition n. 状况
      rent v. 租
      fair n. 公平
      check into 确认
      give someone a break 帮助某人
      publicity n. 出名
