新东方英语口语开口篇 Lesson 12:Weather 天气

恒星英语学习网 2007年10月05日

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      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      How do you like the weather today?

      What do you think of the weather today?

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      How was it yesterday?

      How was the weather like yesterday?
      How was it yesterday?

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      What will the weather be like tomorrow?

      How do you like the weather tomorrow?
      How about tomorrow?
      How will it be tomorrow?
      What will the weather be like tomorrow?
      (The weather will be like what tomorrow.)
      What is the weather like today?
      What was the weather like yesterday?

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      Nice day, isn‘t it?

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      What a lousy day!

      What a difficult day, isn‘t it?
      What a chilly day, isn‘t it?
      What a cold day, isn't it?
      What a hot day, isn't it?
      What a muggy day, isn't it?

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      It is muggy and hot.

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      It has been cloudy all morning and now it is raining cats and dogs.

      windy sunny muggy
      breezy foggy mist
      It‘s foggy. It's misty. pour
      pour tea coffee It‘s pouring.
      shower It‘s cloudy. It's sunny.
      It's clear. It‘s raining. It‘s showering.
      rain pour shower
      stomp3 thunder lightning
      thunder stomp3 hail

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      It has been cloudy all morning and now it is raining cats and dogs.

      breeze wind northern wind
      northly wind western wind gale sand-stomp3
      There is a gale these days.
      There is a thunder stomp3 these days.

      typhoon hurricane tornado
      Tornado Jack is coming.

      snow snowy sleet blizzard
      A blizzard is hitting us next month.
      The stomp3 is hitting us.

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      It was blowing hard.

      It‘s blowing hard.
      It's blowing heavily.

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      It will probably clear up tomorrow.

      It is clear up today.

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      What‘s the temperature today?

      What was the temperature yesterday?
      What will be the temperature tomorrow?
      What is going to be the temperature tomorrow?
      body temperature themp3ometer degree
      Celsius Fahrenheit (华氏度-32)×5/9 = 摄氏度
      The temperature is 7°C. °C °F

      Lesson Twelve Weather 天气
      The lowest temperature can drop to 30°C below zero.

      The temperature rises.
      The temperature drops.
      Increase decrease
      increase to decrease to
      increase by decrease by
      global wamp3ing
      The lowest temperature these days increased by 2 degrees
      these years.
