白领应急英语口语 职场交往61 职场着装

恒星英语学习网 2010年11月04日

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      范例一:When to wear business suit

      You look very professional in the suit.

      The company regulates that men should wear a suit and tie in business meeting. Company policy is not negotiable.

      I appreciate it. It is related to company image.

      范例二:Casual wear

      I met a girl in elevator this morning. She works in a company upstairs. She said she envied the casual way we dress for work. She complained about the dress rule in her company. It requires everyone to wear formal clothes from Monday to Friday.

      Well, I was wondering where those people with professional attire come from. Now, I know the answer.

      You know, in a sense, a suits and ties are compulsory for male employees even in July, and no jewelry allowed for most of the female employees. Even the reasonable male leaf is returning the rule, isn’t that strict?

      To some extent, it is. Anyway, whether they like it or not, they do give people a very good impression.

      But it is unjust to judge a book by its cover. If they’re not happy or comfortable with their clothes, they can be less productive.
