ABC新闻:拜登胜选演讲呼吁统一 墨尔本进一步解封

可可听力网 2020年11月10日 16:39:00

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      Donald Trump is still refusing to concede the US presidential election for Joe Biden and his team have already started moving in to transition mode. In a stirring victory speech, the president-elect has promised to restore America's soul and unite a divided nation.
      "Let this grim era of demonisation in America begin to end — here and now."
      Victoria is a state reunited with Melbourne's Ring of Steel separating the city from regional Victoria brought downat midnight. It means people can now travel freely within the state for the first time since June with the 25km travel limit for Melburnians also scrapped. And there's more relief for businesses with gyms and cinemas allowed to reopen and increased density limits for pubs, cafes and restaurants.

      Millions of doses of a coronavirus vaccine will start being manufactured in Victoria today. Australian company CSL will start making doses of the astrazeneca and Oxford University vaccine which is still in clinical trials. 30 million doses will be available by mid next year but they won't be used unless the trials are successful.
