

      [英 [brɪsk] 美 [brɪsk] ]


brisk 基本解释

      形容词轻快的; 快的; 爽快而清新的; 兴隆的

      不及物动词活跃起来; 变得轻快

      及物动词使…活泼; 使…轻快

brisk 相关例句


      1. She spoke in a brisk tone of voice.


      2. brisk的解释

      2. He is a brisk walker.


      3. Sales are amazingly brisk.



      1. He brisked up his pace.



      1. The market brisked up.


      2. I believe that the market will brisk up.


brisk 网络解释

      1. 轻快活泼的:120. bleak 阴冷的 | 121. brisk 轻快活泼的 | 122. caustic 尖酸刻薄的

      2. 活泼的; 清新的:brewery 啤酒厂 | brisk 活泼的; 清新的 | brood 一窝;一伙(人)

      3. 活泼的:brittle#易碎的 | brisk#活泼的 | brutal#野蛮的

      4. brisk是什么意思

      4. 敏锐的:brisk up 活泼起来 | brisk 敏锐的 | brisket 胸部

brisk 双语例句

      1. The real estate market in previous years to one high-end and low-end product market selling situation, the mid-range product market begins to be brisk.


      2. His seal cutting is brisk and neat. He devoted to study Qin and Han Dynasties'seal cutting in his early times.


      3. Jenkins cranks up the treadmill to a 14-degree angle and sets it at 3.8 mph, a brisk walking pace on a sharp incline.

      Jenkins摆动跑步机14度角,并且设定在3.8 mph,陡坡上轻快地步伐。

      4. De Linois's frigates and lay her aboard, yardarm to yardarm: we ply our guns pretty brisk now, and I make no doubt we should thump it into her with some effect.


      5. brisk

      5. Quietly, I use an ancient Chi-feeling and deep into the spring of sentimentally attached to the threshold, with the brisk pace of a line spring wind chimes rang.


      6. The main characteristic of Black tea is strong and brisk tasting.



      7. Repeat the same pattern you used to move the curry comb over his body, and brush in short, brisk movements, with the grain of the horse`s coat.


      8. Directed by Mark Osborne and John Stevenson, the film is brisk and businesslike, with an appropriately ersatz Chinatown look, but it doesn't betray any personality beyond Black's.


      9. It was suggested that the stack-cover duration is the major factor affecting the taste of yellow tea under the present processing conditions. The brisk and mellow taste of yellow tea is induced by the coordinate change of amino acids and tea polyphenols during processing.


      10. Two biggest superior tea districts lie along the belt, Tea produced in the region is charactered of high aroma, mellow and brisk taste, high grade.


      11. brisk

      11. It was made from one bud and one or two fresh leaves in Huangshan areas. It tastes mellow and brisk with clean and high aroma. It is suitable for producing pure tea drink.

      黄山毛峰Huangshan Mao Feng 采用黄山地区的一芽一、二叶鲜嫩原料生产,香气清透细长、滋味醇爽,适合用于绿茶纯茶饮料。


      12. It tastes mellow and brisk without bitter and astringency. It`s good for producing green and seasonings tea drink.

      云雾绿茶Yunwu Green Tea 采用一芽二、三叶原料生产,香气清爽、滋味醇和爽口,口感饱满而不苦涩,茶感足。

      13. Morgan Stanley estimates global demand is five times more important for export growth than currency movements and US industry managed to expand exports at a brisk pace during the late 1990s, despite a strong headwind from the rising dollar.



      14. I'm glad to hear you say so, wish you have a brisk business.


      15. brisk什么意思

      15. His business is brisk because he believes in consistent quality service.


      16. I hope the New Year will bring you happiness and brisk business!


      17. brisk的解释

      17. However, business was brisk for other types of gold.


      18. This note brisk home sales in 2000, under the influence of developers on the future investment earnings optimism in the market actively.


      19. brisk的解释

      19. He even has a brisk chat with a couple of large stuffed animals left behind by the merciless dame.


      20. The wuling mountain scenery, brisk, like fairyland, The ZanHuang albitite, alone, the next day, as the wall, The green hills, JieShi changli stand towering mountains, like, like, in addition to screen the diameter of shijiazhuang thunderings, sendai rocky mountain...


brisk 词典解释

      1. 轻快的;生气勃勃的

      A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.

      e.g. Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being...


      e.g. The horse broke into a brisk trot.



      Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.


      With determined briskness, Amy stood up and put their cups back on the tray.


      2. (生意)兴隆的,红火的

      If trade or business is brisk, things are being sold very quickly and a lot of money is being made.


      e.g. Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs...


      e.g. Its sales had been brisk since July.



      A trader said gold sold briskly on the local market.


      3. (天气)寒冷而清新的

      If the weather is brisk, it is cold and fresh.


      e.g. ...a typically brisk winter's day on the South Coast...


      e.g. The breeze was cool, brisk and invigorating.


      4. 爽快干脆的;精干利落的;麻利的

      Someone who is brisk behaves in a busy, confident way which shows that they want to get things done quickly.


      e.g. The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike...


      e.g. She is noted for her brisk handling of business.



      'Anyhow,' she added briskly, 'it's none of my business.'


      He felt her familiar briskness, and he knew that it was all over.

      他感觉到了她一贯的爽快作风,他明白一切都结束了。brisk 单语例句brisk是什么意思

      1. A " cultural revolution " theme restaurant has done brisk business since it opened in Guangzhou several months ago.

      2. The manager of a bar on Huangshi road in Guangzhou's Yuexiu district said business remained brisk on weekends.

      3. Customs'statistics for the first half year also show a brisk business in furniture.

      4. Languidly tropical by day, the Venezuelan capital's climate turns brisk after sundown.

      5. Analysts generally believe that Volkswagen is likely to reach the goal ahead of schedule based on its brisk sales and active expansion in capacity.

      6. China has enjoyed brisk fiscal revenue growth over the years, thanks to its booming enterprises and the growing affluence of its residents.

      7. As China will continue to add roads at a brisk pace, more attention should be paid to the maintenance of existing roads and transport facilities.

      8. An incense seller at the Fading temple said her business has been brisk since the monks arrived.

      9. " Fickle weather and the current brisk traffic have compounded the difficulties of safe flight, " said the circular.

      10. Their economies will grow at a relatively brisk pace for a time.

      brisk的反义词brisk 英英释义


      1. become brisk

      e.g. business brisked up

      Synonym: brisk upbrisken


      1. very active

      e.g. doing a brisk business

      2. quick and energetic

      e.g. a brisk walk in the park

      a lively gait

      a merry chase

      traveling at a rattling rate

      a snappy pace

      a spanking breeze

      Synonym: alertlivelymerryrattlingsnappyspankingzippy

      3. imparting vitality and energy

      e.g. the bracing mountain air

      Synonym: bracingfreshrefreshingrefreshfultonic