

      [英 [ˈtenɪs] 美 ['tenɪs] ]


tennis 基本解释


tennis 相关例句


      1. We played tennis in the park.


tennis 情景对话

      Have no stomach for-(对……没有兴趣)

      A:Will you play tennis with us tomorrow?


      B:Sorry, I cannot, I just have no stomach for that.


      A:Then what about seeing a movie?



      B:That’s good!




      A:Where did you go yesterday?


      B:I went to play tennis in the public park.


      A:How often do you play tennis?



      B:Twice a week. How about you?


      A:I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.


      B:But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together.


      A:I usually play with my schoolmates.


      B:Do you like watching football matches?


      A:Yes, I went to the Tian He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday.


      B:Oh, I watched it on television. It was an exciting match.


tennis 网络解释

      1. tennis

      1. 球:其实是网球这项运动的场地(塑胶硬地,草地,红土地)粗糙会对运动鞋造成很大的磨损所决定的. 篮球 ( Basketball) 足球 ( Soccer) 网球 (Tennis) 女子健身( Fitness)跑步( Running) 全能 / 综合训练 ( Cross Training)

tennis 双语例句

      1. tennis的反义词

      1. Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on.


      2. A tennis return made with a downward motion that puts''.


      3. tennis是什么意思

      3. A tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball.


      4. tennis

      4. Age 68, she signs up for a tennis class at the nearest community college.


      5. This semester students can participate in cooking, tennis or Japanese.


      6. She tends to her farm with the help of her children. In 1978, she realises she wants more from life. Age 68, she signs up for a tennis class at the nearest community college.


      7. tennis

      7. Basing on the actuality of the development of tennis in high school, the writer thinks that it is necessary to do a research on the participant motivation of the students who are majoring in tennis and those who are taking as a selective course.


      8. This paper, on the basis of the researchful materials, makes a research on the students who are majoring in tennis and those who are taking it as selective course through questionnaire survey and mathematical statistic.


      9. The intrinsic motivation and outer motivation of the majoring students are obviously stronger than those who are not, while the motivation weakenization of the students who are taking tennis as selective course are more obvious than the ones who are majoring in it.


      10. Yes, I like to play table tennis on spare time, it`s my hobby and interests.


      11. tennis的反义词

      11. I'm not bad al tennis.



      12. I have the original copy of the tennis book.


      13. When I get past a certain age, I`ll no longer be able to play tennis.


      14. tennis的解释

      14. She has finally decided it's time to bow out of international tennis.


      15. It might make you want to quit playing tennis, but Althea Gibson never gave up.



      16. I think it`s time to go buy a new tennis racket.



      17. She won a narrow victory over her rival in the tennis competition.


      18. I love sports. I used to play football, tennis, and golf, but now I spend more time watching sport as opposed to playing it. I watch the live Bundesliga matches that are shown on CCTV5 every Saturday.


      19. Englishmen Gourde invented rubber bat, gave a powerful push to table tennis technology's development.


      20. It is an important tournament for me and I have come here to play good tennis.


tennis 词典解释

      1. 网球(运动)

      Tennis is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court. The players use an oval bat with strings across it to hit a ball over a net across the middle of the court.

tennis 单语例句

      1. The four Grand Slams of tennis dominate the sport's annual calendar however, every fourth year the increasingly important Olympic Games tournament rolls around.

      2. A professional coach from the GS Academy will oversee this weeklong camp to teach children proper tennis techniques while focusing on fitness and fun.

      3. Davenport began her professional career in 1993 and was one of the pioneers of the power game in women's tennis.

      4. China pulled off an historic clean sweep at the Olympic table tennis, cementing its status as the superpower but raising concerns about the sport's future.

      5. At that time her parents sent her to a summer training camp, where her heart was occupied by the charm of the tennis sport.

      6. In addition, the doubles events in table tennis have been replaced by team events.

      7. Open title next week, she'll be wearing tennis dresses decorated with graphic interpretations of the cityscape on the chest.

      8. China hasn't had much success in tennis at the Asian Games, with Chinese players failing to claim a title four years ago.

      9. Construction workers swept aside a tennis court and some persimmon trees to clear way for the work.

      10. Streets outside the downtown nightclub were lined with stray pairs of tennis shoes and strewn with blackened clothes.

      tennis是什么意思tennis 英英释义


      1. a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court

      Synonym: lawn tennis