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  • v.

    使进入,插入( intromit的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    intromit[ ,intrəu'mit ]

    • v.allow to enter; grant entry to

      同义词:admitallow inlet in



    THE CONDITION OF THE INTROMITTED CHAOS AND THE BRANCHY ROAD OF THE ATMOSPHERIC CONVECTION UNDER A WEAK FORCED EFFECTIntromitting stomachic draft tube of infants by using breath intermittence and research on relative problemsNeuropeptide Y stimulates feeding but inhibits sexual behavior in rats.Role of dopamine in anticipatory and consummatory aspects of sexual behavior in the male rat.Hormone-neurotransmitter interactions in the control of sexual behaviorc-Fos immunoreactivity in the sexually dimorphic area of the hypothalamus and related brain regions of male gerbils after exposure t...Male pedipalp morphology and copulatory mechanism in Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) (Araneae, Pholcidae)The interaction of photoperiod and testosterone on the development of copulatory behavior in castrated male hamstersAromatization and the induction of male sexual behavior in male, female, and androgenized female hamsters.Microinjection of cis -flupenthixol, a dopamine antagonist, into the medial preoptic area impairs sexual behavior of male rats