

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 日语












      aTo really understand, really take years. 真正地了解,真正地需要几年。 [translate] 
      a她很理解我 She understands me very much [translate] 
      a他总是在玩电脑 He is always playing the computer [translate] 
      a不太多,也就买个飞机厂吧。呵呵,开玩笑呢 Not too many, also buys an aircraft factory.Ha-ha, cracks a joke [translate] 
      aLooking back slowly Looking back slowly [translate] 
      a这使他很吃亏 This causes him to suffer a loss very much [translate] 
      a在冬季,外面天气很冷孩子们很少出去玩,天常常下雪,下雪时,孩子们会出去堆雪人 In the winter, outside the weather very cold children very little exit to play, the day snows frequently, when snows, the children can exit to pile the snowman [translate] 
      a这么晚? Such late? [translate] 
      aleadership growth. Any skill deficiency has its roots in bounded awareness, limited ''wakefulness," and 领导成长。 所有技巧缺乏有它的根在一定了悟,被限制的"失眠, “和 [translate] 
      ain the case of Confidential Information is independently developed by the Receiving Party without access to the Confidential Information; or 在机要信息情况下由接待会独立地开发,不用对机要信息的通入; 或 [translate] 
      a现在的我们,都在外面上学,很少回家 Present we, all go to school in outside, very little goes home [translate] 
      a他确定包装方式了吗 He determined the packing way [translate] 
      a有的商品 ある商品 [translate] 
      aadaptive neuro-fuzzy 神经模糊 [translate] 
      aI will be on you 我将是在您 [translate] 
      a想你成为我每天都要做的事 Thought you become the matter which I must do every day [translate] 
      a如果我是老师我会和学生们交朋友 If I am teacher I can become friends with the students [translate] 
      aI 吉特巴 I Jitterbug [translate] 
      aslang wang 俗话Wang [translate] 
      a减肥前 Front loses weight [translate] 
      awhat am i to you什么意思 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a领导辛亥革命,建立了中华民国,推翻了中国几千年的封建专制制度! Leads the 1911 Revolution, has built Republic of China, has overthrown the Chinese several millennium feudal despotic systems! [translate] 
      ai wish i can be her 我祝愿我可以是她 [translate] 
      ahuman breath 人的呼吸 [translate] 
      aall rock may contain fines 所有岩石也许包含罚款 [translate] 
      a单车不仅能让我们轻松自在还能让我们享受交通的乐趣 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a自由和平等 Freedom and equality [translate] 
      athere is no need to bring many heavy books 没有需要带来许多重的书 [translate] 
      a1. 熟练掌握了YOKOGAWA的CS系统和CS3000系统和HIMA的ESD系统的操作与维护 1. Has grasped the YOKOGAWA CS system and the CS3000 system and the HIMA ESD system operation and the maintenance skilled [translate] 
      a充分的理由 英语 Full reason English [translate] 
      a他们的对业余剧社的介绍给我留下了深刻的印象于是她报名了 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a大西北 英语 Great northwest English [translate] 
      aDarkness...An ally has been slain 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a拿得起,放得下的英语怎么说 Can take up, how English which can lay down said [translate] 
      aget off the ferry 下轮渡 [translate] 
      aAll of a sudden I don't know what to do 我不突然知道什么做 [translate] 
      aamount actually paid by 实际上被支付的数额 [translate] 
      a妇女在社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色 The woman is acting the more and more important role in the society [translate] 
      aAmount sum total 数额总额 [translate] 
      a这个故事以事实为依据 This story take the fact as the basis [translate] 
      a工作在当地的经济实用的功能及东欧Transbaikalia introdu诱导蜜蜂研究举行Petrovskii反式贝加尔湖地区(第Maleta),其中载有大约90蜂群,其中15个是奥卡和30蜂房家庭(其中10个家庭冈蜂)应用生态ZabPPU实验室。在这个家庭类似物选定的蜜蜂,育雏数量和KA ¬荣誉梳子,碳水化合物和在巢,年龄和原籍亲¬蜂王(Taranov,1971)蛋白质的食物储备的数量。 [translate] 
      a世界上第一颗爆炸的原子弹的名字叫什么 In the world the first detonation atomic bomb name is called any [translate] 
      a他为什么要放弃这份好工作 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aleave out the window 忽略窗口 [translate] 
      a全线各压气站压缩机组 Entire line various compressed air station compression unit [translate] 
      a突然她受到一个坏人的袭击她惊恐万状 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a玉姐。一定追到你 Jade elder sister.Certainly pursues you [translate] 
      agonna to 去对 [translate] 
      afree,gll21j84h577c4qmt5 释放, gll21j84h577c4qmt5 [translate] 
      aSomewhere in the middle is me, a grown-up version of the girl who used to camp out under covers with Nancy Drew, a foreshadowing of a baby-sitting grandma whose sons will come home to find Mom snoozing contentedly beneath her paperback. 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a天龙310月20号什么时候开始 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aNever stop learning of study 不要停止得知研究 [translate] 
      a供货商应负责该系统的网络连接、组态、调试、投运、培训、售后服务等工作。 The supplier should be responsible for this system the network connection, the configuration, the debugging, throws transports, work and so on training, post-sale service. [translate] 
      a南京市板仓街9号 Nanjing board warehouse street 9 [translate] 
      aLove you and cherish you! 爱您并且爱护您! [translate] 
      a气流纺 正在翻译,请等待... [translate]