Pape Diompy


      选择语言:从 法语 到 中文简体







      教皇 Diompy





      a那我们用英语来交流吧 Then we use English to exchange [translate] 
      ameet at the south gate 集会在南门 [translate] 
      apublic transport 公共交通工具 [translate] 
      amais 更多 [translate] 
      aThat is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly . 所以我们总设法吃用一个健康方式和通常行使。 [translate] 
      ai can send you pics if you want? 如果您要,我可以送您pics ? [translate] 
      a今天,就动物是否应当被训练来帮助人这一问题展开讨论,观点分为两点如下。 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a因为是这样,sample我们都有帐的,进出都有管控。 [translate] 
      aI can never get to see a film with you,then. 我不可以得到看一部电影与您,然后。 [translate] 
      a没问题,他什么时候走 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a可来福接头 May come the lucky attachment [translate] 
      a说英语弄不好 Spoke English not to do well [translate] 
      a健康产品 Health product [translate] 
      a他们拥有充足的资源和条件,通常都可以更好的受教育和锻炼的机会 They have the sufficient resources and the condition, usually all may better educate and the exercise opportunity [translate] 
      a没事啊。想你了。在家的时候不想,你不在家就想了。 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a- TRUST Front Mount Intercooler [translate] 
      anot circuit down 下来不是电路 [translate] 
      aupdate system from sd card 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      acan drive the Park landscape and build a [translate] 
      amaybe you can get an international driver licence in china an duse that here? 可能您在瓷能得到一个国际驾驶执照这里的duse ? [translate] 
      a咸茶 Salty tea [translate] 
      a当我伤心的时候,我需要一个倾听者 When I am sad, I need a listener [translate] 
      aAt the right time for people experiencing 在正确时间为人体验 [translate] 
      aof a closed pool and its transformation to a living river. . [translate] 
      asimple people hv friends 简单的人hv朋友 [translate] 
      a放入手机 Puts in the handset [translate] 
      aconsegue falar em portugues 它获得讲话用葡萄牙语 [translate] 
      a当我开心的时候,我需要一个人分享 When I am happy, I need a person to share [translate] 
      aPape Diompy Diompy教皇 [translate]