

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语



      Look after


      Take care


      Take care


      v. (Trad=照顧, Pinyin=zhao4 gu5) attend, look after



      a 猫显得有些任性,我行我素。本来猫是喜欢单独行动的动物,不像狗一样,听从主人的命令,集体行动。 因而它不将主人视为君主,唯命是从。有时候,你怎么叫它,它都当没听见。猫和主人并不是主从关系,把它们看成平等的朋友关系更好一些。也正是这种关系,才显得独具魅力。另一方面猫把主人看作父母,像小孩一样爱撒娇,它觉得寂寞时会爬上主人的膝盖,或者随地跳到摊开的报纸上坐着,尽显娇态。  The cat appears somewhat willfully, sticks to one's own way of doing things.The original cat is an animal which likes alone moving, does not look like the dog to be same, obeys master's order, the collective action. Thus it does not regard as the master the crowned head, always does as one is told. [translate] 
      aYou take care We must be strong and carry on 保重我们必须是强的和继续的 [translate] 
      a在这个学校里看到很多认真读书的同学,同时也带动着我 Saw in this school very many studies earnestly schoolmate, simultaneously also is leading me [translate] 
      aselect boot device 选择起动设备 [translate] 
      aelectricstore electricstore [translate] 
      awe are always useing the import and export procedures instead of repair procedure. 我们总使用进口和出口规程而不是修程。 [translate] 
      a我希望我能学好英语 I hoped I can learn English [translate] 
      awhat would You like 什么您要不要 [translate] 
      aiphone iphone [translate] 
      a我认为这样挺好的 I think like this very well [translate] 
      aWill forward today on completion of all bales to send . 在所有大包的完成今天将批转送。 [translate] 
      afar greater 更加伟大 [translate] 
      a什么感觉在我心里, 心痛的感觉 Any feeling in my heart, grieved feeling [translate] 
      a祝你快乐 Wishes you to be joyful [translate] 
      a.We have the most suitable sports survivings that are both convenient and cheap for everyone. . 我们有为大家是方便和便宜的最适当的体育survivings。 [translate] 
      a只有成功才会有成就 Only then succeeds only then can have the achievement [translate] 
      anetworks 网络 [translate] 
      a企业 Enterprise [translate] 
      a她几点睡觉? How many does she select sleeps? [translate] 
      a你好Tim,学习中文方法是:一要把汉语拼音学好,二把音读读准,三要经常练字。这样才能把中文学好。 Your good Tim, the study Chinese method is: One must learn Chinese Pinyin, two sounds read, three must practice calligraphy frequently.This can learn Chinese. [translate] 
      azealot 狂热者 [translate] 
      aPillow PETS 枕头宠物 [translate] 
      abut i have some ideas that may help. 但我有也许帮助的有些想法。 [translate] 
      a法国 France [translate] 
      aReserves 储备 [translate] 
      a请记住,你的生命中,曾出现一个愿意用他自己一生去爱你的男人。一个,愿用一辈子的时间去守护你的人。 Please remember, in your life, once appeared one to be willing to love you with his life the man.Is willing with for a lifetime time to protect you the person. [translate] 
      aAgreed by Management and Name of Responsible Person: 由负责任的人的Management和名字同意: [translate] 
      a无论您的兴趣是什么,您都可以在北京找到符合您爱好的博物馆。 Regardless of your interest is any, you all may find the museum in Beijing which conforms to you to like. [translate] 
      adescription of coverage 覆盖面的描述 [translate] 
      adig out 开掘 [translate] 
      athe topic of the contest is how to stay healthy 比赛的题目是如何停留健康 [translate] 
      a我忍受不了他的坏习惯 I could not endure his bad custom [translate] 
      a空间结构规划图 Spatial structure planning drawing [translate] 
      aTu peux m'oublier, mais je ne vais pas t'oublier toujours. 您能忘记我,但我总不会忘记您。 [translate] 
      athough life 虽则生活 [translate] 
      a辽宁省抚顺市 Liaoning Province Fushun city [translate] 
      a或许我们相守到老,或许我们各奔东西 Perhaps we defend old, perhaps we drift apart [translate] 
      aIt is going to be held on September 20 in the school meeting room. 它在9月20日在学校会议室举行。 [translate] 
      aPNEUMATIC SYSTEM DIAGRAM 气动系统图 [translate] 
      a万物丛生 The myriad things grow thickly [translate] 
      a图书室 Library [translate] 
      a既然谁都不相信彼此 Since everybody does not believe each other [translate] 
      a多一度热爱 Many once deeply loved [translate] 
      a啊哈 Aha [translate] 
      a任何好的意见 Any good opinion [translate] 
      a我的生活为了罪恶而活 My life lives for the evil [translate] 
      a照顾 Attendance [translate]