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      a无知的人没必要理 Ignorant person not essential principle [translate] 
      ahard drive 硬盘 [translate] 
      a玛戈特 Masurium Gott [translate] 
      aareyoureadyforlunch? areyoureadyforlunch ? [translate] 
      a你让我们明白你是什么样一个人 You let us understand you are an any type person [translate] 
      aI will never be with you. [translate] 
      aI do not want you pay back 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a计算机学院三等奖学金 Computer College three and so on scholarships [translate] 
      amaybe in the evening just to check if it is working 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aToday everyone is strange! Today everyone is strange! [translate] 
      a不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没开 Do not walk slow flower show to die of old age the too do not have to walk quick such flower not to open the too [translate] 
      aIt's a small world and Nice to meet you. 它是一个小世界和见到你很高兴。 [translate] 
      amake use 做用途 [translate] 
      a增加学习负担 Increase study burden [translate] 
      a这台机器用来干什么? What does this machine use for to do? [translate] 
      a她是吉姆的老师吗? That is your younger sister? [translate] 
      a你立即家庭 You immediately family [translate] 
      ai use a very short for a short time began to hate a person,it takes a very long time also can 't forget 我使用一非常短短时间开始恨人,它需要非常很长时间也不能忘记 [translate] 
      aBattery manager 电池经理 [translate] 
      a全面发展的好学生 Full scale development good student [translate] 
      aThis man is really fierce 这个人是真正地剧烈的 [translate] 
      aClock too armed forces you good 时钟太武力您好 [translate] 
      a我妈妈今天早晨六点出发去了北京。 My mother the six o'clock in the mornings embarked today Beijing. [translate] 
      a他们吃不饱,穿不暖,还要干很多的活 They cannot eat to the full, put on not warmly, but also must do very many lives [translate] 
      aYou know when you need a summer, I will work like mad .. 您知道当您需要一个夏天时,我将工作象疯狂。 [translate] 
      a我打定主意,只见主持人已经坐在舞台上了,他说:“电视机前的观众朋友你们好!我是主持人张腾岳,欢迎收看本期的《我爱发明》。”《我爱发明》,我怎么没听说过?不过听上去,还是挺有趣的。我继续饶有兴趣地看着,不知不觉就入了迷…… I decided, see only director's already to sit in the stage, he said: “The audience you are good! I am director Zhang Tengyue, welcome to watch this time "I To like Invention".” "I Like Invention", haven't I heard how? But listens, is very interesting.I continue very interesting to look that, was fas [translate] 
      aead to 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a给一次机会修改文章 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aAre the books on the books case? 书在书橱? [translate] 
      a请输入您需要翻译的文本party 请输入您需要翻译的文本党 [translate] 
      aQuick male 快的男性 [translate] 
      aMr zhang has been in this school for over ten years 。 张先生在这所学校十年。 [translate] 
      a里面有许多行星和星系,地球就是在太阳系里的一颗行星 Inside has many planets and the galaxy, the Earth is in a solar system's planet [translate] 
      aplacenta essence gold flake 胎盘精华金剥落 [translate] 
      a你能看到那本书吗? You can read that book? [translate] 
      a鞋子是防水的 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a我和我的朋友摘了许多水果 I and the friend of mine has picked many fruits [translate] 
      a我国庆节在八点吃的早餐 My National Day in the breakfast which eight eats [translate] 
      a他姓張名小虎 He is surnamed Zhang Mingxiao the tiger [translate] 
      aHierarchy creates a chain of authority to manage and coordinate the work divided according to the principle of specialization. 特定套的成就任务。 [translate] 
      a我代替妈妈去买菜 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a教室太脏乱了 The classroom too has been messy and dirty [translate] 
      asecondary-selective substations supplying utilization devices 次要有选择性的分站供给运用设备 [translate] 
      a一天下来我就累的不行 One day gets down I tiredly not good [translate] 
      a이에 대한 공유를 필히 양저우에 진행해 주실 것을 부탁 드립니다 이에대한공유를필히양저우에진행해주실것을부탁드립니다 [translate] 
      a我能吃些蛋糕吗? I can eat a cake? [translate] 
      a老师经常建议我们尽可能地多读英语 Teacher suggested frequently we read English as far as possible [translate] 
      a也希望每个人有一个好的学习环境,和学习氛围。 Also hoped each person has a good learning environment, with study atmosphere. [translate] 
      a它是英文报纸, It is English newspaper, [translate] 
      aBut I've never been to me 但我从未是对我 [translate] 
      a第一天‘二天三天我都在家写作业。 First day `two days three day I all write the work in the home. [translate] 
      a他们聊天而不是写作业 But they chat are not write the work [translate] 
      a电脑不算贵,很多人买得起它 The computer does not calculate expensively, very many people buy it [translate] 
      aHAKUDA HAKUDA [translate] 
      a中国菜的特点 Chinese dish characteristic [translate] 
      a路边经常摆满小摊 The roadside chocks up the stall frequently [translate] 
      aForchheimer Forchheimer [translate]