

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语



      We have about your company to understand


      we have about your company;


      We already know about your company


      We have about an understanding of your company


      We already probably had the understanding to your company

      a一直渴望和平的鸟 Always longs for peace bird [translate] 
      aIf you're not registered: Signup here 如果您没有登记: 这里Signup [translate] 
      alink openness to observed growth rates even though over an infinite horizon [translate] 
      aThis shirt is nice 这件衬衣是精密 [translate] 
      aThen check if the seal will fit. [translate] 
      ayou are so beautiful to me you are so beautiful to me [translate] 
      a你永远都不知道我有多爱你男人 You forever all did not know I have love your man [translate] 
      a我们要遵守交通规则,不闯红灯,不和同学追逐打闹。要吃健康食物,不吃垃圾食品。而且要在体育锻炼时不要弄伤自己,不能下河游泳,和同学打闹 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a相当多的学生希望有更多的自由时间 Quite many students hoped has more free time [translate] 
      aGuarantee Law 保证法律 [translate] 
      a请在工作忙碌的时候注意休息 Please bustle about in the work time attention rest [translate] 
      a袋子的上口有没有盖子 Does the bag upper opening have the cover [translate] 
      aI do not love you in the way you like,it doesn't mean I do not love you with all I have. 我不爱您就象您喜欢的,它不意味我不爱您与我有的所有。 [translate] 
      aLet's go on a field trip. 我们继续实地考察。 [translate] 
      a人民币:49088元(按照4月13日中国银行外汇价格:8,32元计算) Renminbi: 49088 Yuan (according to April 13 Bank of China foreign exchange price: 8,32 Yuan computations) [translate] 
      aDemonstration of all system functions (e.g. changing tuning constants, check of algorithm functions etc) 所有系统作用的示范(即。 改变调整的常数,算法检查起作用等) [translate] 
      a为Rohm代工 For Rohm generation of labor [translate] 
      a如果你利用朋友的话,他们就会离你而去的。 If you use friend's, they can leave you to go. [translate] 
      a全国法院干部业余法律大学 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a为推出的体验营销提供切实有效的保障。主要内容划分为以下几个方面 In order to promote the experience marketing provides the practical effective safeguard.The primary coverage divides into following several aspects [translate] 
      a计算机网络实验课是计算机专业必修课 The computer network experiment class is the computer specialized required course [translate] 
      aТНП (TNP) [translate] 
      a希望和贵公司能有合作的机会 The hope and your firm can have the cooperation opportunity [translate] 
      a法式煎羊排 The Buddhist ritual procedures fry the mutton chop [translate] 
      a特征向量 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aNeeded module freqconlib of required range from V0.00 up to all higher versions not installed. 必需的范围需要的模块freqconlib从V0.00由没安装的所有更高的版本决定。 [translate] 
      ahe's reading a book to them 他读一本书对他们 [translate] 
      a告诉他们你的想法 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a我们已经大概对你们公司有所了解 We already probably had the understanding to your company [translate]